Książka - Introducing Chomsky


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Introducing Chomsky

Introducing Chomsky


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Is it possible that the human brain inherently contains a specialized mechanism for language? Noam Chomsky, a leading linguist of the 20th century, asserts that it does, proposing the existence of a `universal grammar` that underlies all languages. Across different cultures, children manage to learn languages in remarkably similar fashions, even though these languages might seem vastly different. According to Chomsky, this is because the grammatical structures of all human languages are interconnected within the human brain. While Chomsky's ideas are often debated, his impact is undeniable, both through his groundbreaking contributions to the field of linguistics and his steadfast critique of global power dynamics, as well as his advocacy for freedom and justice. These aspects of Chomsky's work connect to the traditions of the Enlightenment, and this book serves as an excellent introduction to both facets of his thought.

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Is it possible that the human brain inherently contains a specialized mechanism for language? Noam Chomsky, a leading linguist of the 20th century, asserts that it does, proposing the existence of a `universal grammar` that underlies all languages. Across different cultures, children manage to learn languages in remarkably similar fashions, even though these languages might seem vastly different. According to Chomsky, this is because the grammatical structures of all human languages are interconnected within the human brain. While Chomsky's ideas are often debated, his impact is undeniable, both through his groundbreaking contributions to the field of linguistics and his steadfast critique of global power dynamics, as well as his advocacy for freedom and justice. These aspects of Chomsky's work connect to the traditions of the Enlightenment, and this book serves as an excellent introduction to both facets of his thought.



Książki autora


Dla Ciebie

Książki z kategorii

Dostawa i płatność


Cena: 28.81 zł

Okładka: Miękka

Ilość stron: 176

Rok wydania: 2011

Rozmiar: 120 x 170 mm

ID: 9781848312944

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Inne książki: Nauka języków

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