Książka - Introducing Psychoanalysis


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Introducing Psychoanalysis

Introducing Psychoanalysis


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Discover the intriguing exploration of the ongoing debate surrounding the 'speaking cure' in this comprehensive guide. The influence of psychoanalytic ideas has deeply impacted Western thought, positioning it as a leading framework for interpreting our emotional experiences. Sigmund Freud remains a significant figure in this field, even amid continuous critique. However, modern psychoanalysis remains largely misunderstood, and this book seeks to clarify its essence. It presents psychoanalysis as a cohesive 'theory of the unconscious', encompassing diverse theoretical and therapeutic strands. The text delves into the unique perspectives of psychoanalysts on the human psyche and stands out for connecting these ideas to everyday human experiences and perceptions of the world. The book addresses key questions such as the conceptualization of the mind by psychoanalysts, Freud's preoccupation with sexuality, the scientific standing of psychoanalysis, and the mechanisms of therapeutic practice. Through these discussions, it offers fresh insights into psychoanalytic theory and innovative descriptions of therapy. The narrative is enriched by Oscar Zarate’s bold and perceptive illustrations, which enhance the understanding of the content. By demystifying psychoanalysis, this book appeals to students, educators, and a broader audience keen on understanding this complex field.

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Discover the intriguing exploration of the ongoing debate surrounding the 'speaking cure' in this comprehensive guide. The influence of psychoanalytic ideas has deeply impacted Western thought, positioning it as a leading framework for interpreting our emotional experiences. Sigmund Freud remains a significant figure in this field, even amid continuous critique. However, modern psychoanalysis remains largely misunderstood, and this book seeks to clarify its essence. It presents psychoanalysis as a cohesive 'theory of the unconscious', encompassing diverse theoretical and therapeutic strands. The text delves into the unique perspectives of psychoanalysts on the human psyche and stands out for connecting these ideas to everyday human experiences and perceptions of the world. The book addresses key questions such as the conceptualization of the mind by psychoanalysts, Freud's preoccupation with sexuality, the scientific standing of psychoanalysis, and the mechanisms of therapeutic practice. Through these discussions, it offers fresh insights into psychoanalytic theory and innovative descriptions of therapy. The narrative is enriched by Oscar Zarate’s bold and perceptive illustrations, which enhance the understanding of the content. By demystifying psychoanalysis, this book appeals to students, educators, and a broader audience keen on understanding this complex field.



Książki autora


Dla Ciebie

Książki z kategorii

Dostawa i płatność


Cena: 29.42 zł

Okładka: Miękka

Ilość stron: 176

Rok wydania: 2011

Rozmiar: 120 x 170 mm

ID: 9781848312104

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Inne książki: Nauka języków

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