Książka - Zakon Mimów. Czas żniw. Tom 2


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Zakon Mimów. Czas żniw. Tom 2

Zakon Mimów. Czas żniw. Tom 2


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Continuation of the bestselling series!

Once branded as criminals, it's time to reclaim what's rightfully ours. The daring escape from the penal colony Sheol I ends in tragedy. Only a few manage to find refuge amidst the bustling streets of London. Under the vigilant eyes of the Scion, survival is a constant struggle for the fugitives. Paige, now the most wanted person in the entire city, is determined to unveil the truth about the Rephaim and the Emmits to the clairvoyant community at any cost. She plans to summon a meeting of the Ethereal Association. But will the most powerful leaders of the criminal syndicate answer her call? Or are they too entangled in their own schemes to heed the warnings that might seem like mere figments of a young girl's imagination?

The Rephaim are fully aware that their secret hangs by a thread. They emerge from the shadows, ready to neutralize any threats to their clandestine existence. Paige finds herself constantly on the run, unable to place her trust in anyone. The hunt for the dreamwalker has begun.

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Continuation of the bestselling series!

Once branded as criminals, it's time to reclaim what's rightfully ours. The daring escape from the penal colony Sheol I ends in tragedy. Only a few manage to find refuge amidst the bustling streets of London. Under the vigilant eyes of the Scion, survival is a constant struggle for the fugitives. Paige, now the most wanted person in the entire city, is determined to unveil the truth about the Rephaim and the Emmits to the clairvoyant community at any cost. She plans to summon a meeting of the Ethereal Association. But will the most powerful leaders of the criminal syndicate answer her call? Or are they too entangled in their own schemes to heed the warnings that might seem like mere figments of a young girl's imagination?

The Rephaim are fully aware that their secret hangs by a thread. They emerge from the shadows, ready to neutralize any threats to their clandestine existence. Paige finds herself constantly on the run, unable to place her trust in anyone. The hunt for the dreamwalker has begun.



Książki autora


Dla Ciebie

Książki z kategorii

Dostawa i płatność


Cena: - zł

Okładka: Miękka

Ilość stron: 544

Rok wydania: 2021

Rozmiar: 1 x 2 mm

ID: 9788382103465

Inne książki: Samantha Shannon

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