Książka - Blue Lily, Lily Blue. Król Kruków. Tom 3


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Blue Lily, Lily Blue. Król Kruków. Tom 3

Blue Lily, Lily Blue. Król Kruków. Tom 3


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The third installment of the bestselling series draws readers even further into its enchanting world. Blue Sargent has always stood apart from others her age, growing up in a household filled with women possessing magical abilities. She bears the weight of a curse that dooms any boy she falls in love with and kisses to die. Now, however, she has found her true home and forged deep connections with remarkable friends: Noah, Ronan, Adam, and Gansey, who are just as extraordinary as she is.

Together, they embark on a quest to find a cave located at the intersection of ley lines, where the legendary Raven King lies in slumber. This journey is fraught with danger, as the cave holds another mysterious figure that must remain undisturbed at all costs. As they draw nearer to their goal, the obstacles they face become increasingly challenging. They are not the only ones in pursuit of their objective. With rising stakes, trust is tested, friendships strained, and prophetic insights potentially misleading them.

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The third installment of the bestselling series draws readers even further into its enchanting world. Blue Sargent has always stood apart from others her age, growing up in a household filled with women possessing magical abilities. She bears the weight of a curse that dooms any boy she falls in love with and kisses to die. Now, however, she has found her true home and forged deep connections with remarkable friends: Noah, Ronan, Adam, and Gansey, who are just as extraordinary as she is.

Together, they embark on a quest to find a cave located at the intersection of ley lines, where the legendary Raven King lies in slumber. This journey is fraught with danger, as the cave holds another mysterious figure that must remain undisturbed at all costs. As they draw nearer to their goal, the obstacles they face become increasingly challenging. They are not the only ones in pursuit of their objective. With rising stakes, trust is tested, friendships strained, and prophetic insights potentially misleading them.



Książki autora


Dla Ciebie

Książki z kategorii

Dostawa i płatność


Cena: 65.13 zł

Okładka: Twarda

Ilość stron: 416

Rok wydania: 2023

Rozmiar: 150 x 215 mm

ID: 9788383190877

Wydawnictwo: Uroboros, Uroboros, Uroboros

Inne książki: Maggie Stiefvater

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