Książka - To, co najistotniejsze o panu Moritzu


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To, co najistotniejsze o panu Moritzu

To, co najistotniejsze o panu Moritzu


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"The best Czech book you (probably) have never heard of," remarked Wojciech Szot, a reviewer known for his discerning taste. He suggested it would be a wonderful addition to the Stehlk series due to its unique blend. Vlastimil Teka's novel skillfully intertwines the wit of Mrożek, Kafka, Beckett, and Czech humor. The story revolves around Mr. Moritz, a Czech painter who makes a living by creating yellow-themed artworks for Chinese clients residing in Germany, convinced of their fondness for the color. He shares an apartment with a fellow Czech emigrant. Their mornings start with a peculiar egg-cracking ritual, humorously depicted: "Mr. Moritz approached the table, sat down on one of the two chairs, and as usual, tapped his egg against the edge of the desk. 'Don't crack your egg on my desk every morning!' protested Mr. Prag, as usual."

A mystery looms over their daily lives—Mr. Moritz's parents vanished long ago. This secret stirs little concern in him but greatly intrigues his friend, serving as the catalyst for a series of bittersweet encounters. Teka's narrative can complement the stories about the Czech experience depicted by Mariusz Szczygieł in "Gottland." Szczygieł recounts events like a comedian performing for border guards only to flee with his family to Germany during an intermission, when no one guarded the border because all were waiting for the show to resume, and the dramatic escape of a former ambassador from Bulgaria hidden within a large book crate, registered by the Mexican ambassador as personal luggage.

In the wave of escapes from Czechoslovakia following the communist ascent in 1948, Mr. Moritz's parents also fled, capturing a family photo on April 16, 1950, when Moritz was just nine months old. Recalling that day, Moritz describes being sedated with poppy-seed brew and rum, then wrapped in blankets and placed in the trunk of an old Ford owned by his uncle. After waking up, he never saw his parents again. This photograph becomes a focal point for Mr. Prag, who embarks on an investigation into the fate of Moritz's parents.

Vlastimil Teka’s novella draws inspiration from the emigrant life he and his friend Václav Martínek experienced. The narrative carries no trace of pathos, instead marked by the lightness and sarcastic tone reminiscent of Kurt Vonnegut.

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"The best Czech book you (probably) have never heard of," remarked Wojciech Szot, a reviewer known for his discerning taste. He suggested it would be a wonderful addition to the Stehlk series due to its unique blend. Vlastimil Teka's novel skillfully intertwines the wit of Mrożek, Kafka, Beckett, and Czech humor. The story revolves around Mr. Moritz, a Czech painter who makes a living by creating yellow-themed artworks for Chinese clients residing in Germany, convinced of their fondness for the color. He shares an apartment with a fellow Czech emigrant. Their mornings start with a peculiar egg-cracking ritual, humorously depicted: "Mr. Moritz approached the table, sat down on one of the two chairs, and as usual, tapped his egg against the edge of the desk. 'Don't crack your egg on my desk every morning!' protested Mr. Prag, as usual."

A mystery looms over their daily lives—Mr. Moritz's parents vanished long ago. This secret stirs little concern in him but greatly intrigues his friend, serving as the catalyst for a series of bittersweet encounters. Teka's narrative can complement the stories about the Czech experience depicted by Mariusz Szczygieł in "Gottland." Szczygieł recounts events like a comedian performing for border guards only to flee with his family to Germany during an intermission, when no one guarded the border because all were waiting for the show to resume, and the dramatic escape of a former ambassador from Bulgaria hidden within a large book crate, registered by the Mexican ambassador as personal luggage.

In the wave of escapes from Czechoslovakia following the communist ascent in 1948, Mr. Moritz's parents also fled, capturing a family photo on April 16, 1950, when Moritz was just nine months old. Recalling that day, Moritz describes being sedated with poppy-seed brew and rum, then wrapped in blankets and placed in the trunk of an old Ford owned by his uncle. After waking up, he never saw his parents again. This photograph becomes a focal point for Mr. Prag, who embarks on an investigation into the fate of Moritz's parents.

Vlastimil Teka’s novella draws inspiration from the emigrant life he and his friend Václav Martínek experienced. The narrative carries no trace of pathos, instead marked by the lightness and sarcastic tone reminiscent of Kurt Vonnegut.



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Dla Ciebie

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Dostawa i płatność


Cena: 31.11 zł

Okładka: Miękka

Ilość stron: 300

Rok wydania: 2023

Rozmiar: 1 x 2 mm

ID: 9788366778184

Wydawnictwo: Dowody, Dowody na istnienie

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