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Mały atlas psów i szczeniaków Ewy i Pawła Pawlaków
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An Englishman learning the Polish language once remarked how much Poles must love dogs, given the road signs that say "UWAGA! PIESI!" In the fifth volume of a beloved series, a talented illustrator duo lovingly captures the essence of these faithful companions. The book is filled with humorous tales about both mixed-breed and purebred dogs, delightful fabric collages, fuzzy figurines, and delicate watercolors, all created in admiration for man's best friend. Personal stories blend seamlessly with age-appropriate insights into canine behavior and anatomy, making it an engaging read for children.
Dogs have been loyal companions to humans for thousands of years, often assisting in work and occasionally even saving lives. In return, they ask for nothing more than care and affection. Every child who cherishes dogs will recognize this truth, while others will soon discover a world of smiling faces and wagging tails through this book.
Ewa Kozyra-Pawlak's earliest memories involve a passionate foray into art, specifically, a crayon mural on her bedroom wall (apologies are extended to the subsequent owner). From an early age, she was dedicated to the arts, particularly in the realms of plasticine sculpture, embroidery, and crochet. After completing her studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław, Ewa eagerly returned to her artistic pursuits, illustrating children's books, writing poetry, calligraphing, and translating, all while surrounded by countless colorful fabric scraps in her studio.
Paweł Pawlak is known for his meticulously precise and disciplined illustrations, coloring even the reverse sides of his artwork. He honed his pencil sharpening skills under American experts and uses brushes made from ethically sourced nylon fibers. The electricity powering his computer is from legitimate sources. His illustrations bring characters to life, ensuring they are well-educated and adequately rewarded for their roles.
This description is provided by the publisher.
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46.35 zł

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widoczne ślady używania
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An Englishman learning the Polish language once remarked how much Poles must love dogs, given the road signs that say "UWAGA! PIESI!" In the fifth volume of a beloved series, a talented illustrator duo lovingly captures the essence of these faithful companions. The book is filled with humorous tales about both mixed-breed and purebred dogs, delightful fabric collages, fuzzy figurines, and delicate watercolors, all created in admiration for man's best friend. Personal stories blend seamlessly with age-appropriate insights into canine behavior and anatomy, making it an engaging read for children.
Dogs have been loyal companions to humans for thousands of years, often assisting in work and occasionally even saving lives. In return, they ask for nothing more than care and affection. Every child who cherishes dogs will recognize this truth, while others will soon discover a world of smiling faces and wagging tails through this book.
Ewa Kozyra-Pawlak's earliest memories involve a passionate foray into art, specifically, a crayon mural on her bedroom wall (apologies are extended to the subsequent owner). From an early age, she was dedicated to the arts, particularly in the realms of plasticine sculpture, embroidery, and crochet. After completing her studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław, Ewa eagerly returned to her artistic pursuits, illustrating children's books, writing poetry, calligraphing, and translating, all while surrounded by countless colorful fabric scraps in her studio.
Paweł Pawlak is known for his meticulously precise and disciplined illustrations, coloring even the reverse sides of his artwork. He honed his pencil sharpening skills under American experts and uses brushes made from ethically sourced nylon fibers. The electricity powering his computer is from legitimate sources. His illustrations bring characters to life, ensuring they are well-educated and adequately rewarded for their roles.
This description is provided by the publisher.