Książka - Jak człowiek staje się mordercą. Mroczne opowieści psychiatry sądowego


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Jak człowiek staje się mordercą. Mroczne opowieści psychiatry sądowego

Jak człowiek staje się mordercą. Mroczne opowieści psychiatry sądowego


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What drives individuals to commit murder? Does perpetrating a heinous crime transform one into a monster? Is it possible that anyone, given the right circumstances, could become a killer? Over his twenty-six-year career, forensic psychiatrist Richard Taylor has delved into more than a hundred murder cases. Despite their invariably fatal outcomes, these crimes were driven by a wide array of motivations. In his riveting narrative, Taylor shares his experiences with some of the most tragic, terrifying, and emotional cases he encountered. He describes not only the defendants he encountered in court but also the patients he treated. Additionally, he reveals personal family secrets that offer insights into the deeply personal questions he grapples with daily.

Taylor strives to uncover the thoughts of those who have taken lives, pondering how one can perceive the darkest aspects of human psyche and why it's crucial for us to endeavor to understand them. This book offers an extraordinary exploration of murderers' minds along with a rare glimpse into the life and thoughts of their doctor. It's an outstanding read for those intrigued by complex cases and the ambiguity surrounding human nature.

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What drives individuals to commit murder? Does perpetrating a heinous crime transform one into a monster? Is it possible that anyone, given the right circumstances, could become a killer? Over his twenty-six-year career, forensic psychiatrist Richard Taylor has delved into more than a hundred murder cases. Despite their invariably fatal outcomes, these crimes were driven by a wide array of motivations. In his riveting narrative, Taylor shares his experiences with some of the most tragic, terrifying, and emotional cases he encountered. He describes not only the defendants he encountered in court but also the patients he treated. Additionally, he reveals personal family secrets that offer insights into the deeply personal questions he grapples with daily.

Taylor strives to uncover the thoughts of those who have taken lives, pondering how one can perceive the darkest aspects of human psyche and why it's crucial for us to endeavor to understand them. This book offers an extraordinary exploration of murderers' minds along with a rare glimpse into the life and thoughts of their doctor. It's an outstanding read for those intrigued by complex cases and the ambiguity surrounding human nature.



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Cena: - zł

Okładka: Miękka

Ilość stron: 584

Rok wydania: 2022

Rozmiar: 140 x 205 mm

ID: 9788382250312

Autorzy: Richard Taylor

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