Książka - Bohaterowie Krucjat


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Bohaterowie Krucjat

Bohaterowie Krucjat


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The narratives captured in this book are grounded in actual historical events from centuries ago. They center around figures who dared to dream on a grand scale, dedicating their lives to realizing these visions, sometimes even at the cost of their own lives. Their passionate zeal ignited crusades, drawing in followers who previously lacked the courage to dream so boldly and who often were unaware of the true reasons for which they were fighting. This zeal also attracted those with less noble intentions, seeking only personal profit. Although the era of the crusades belongs to the past, there are still people today who aim to bring goodness into the world. Regrettably, alongside them are those driven purely by self-interest, reminiscent of historical figures like Bohemond and Baldwin. Thankfully, individuals reminiscent of the old Francis, who shared uplifting messages among crusaders, and chivalrous knights like Tancred and Louis, who committed to protecting the frail and impoverished, persist to this day.

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The narratives captured in this book are grounded in actual historical events from centuries ago. They center around figures who dared to dream on a grand scale, dedicating their lives to realizing these visions, sometimes even at the cost of their own lives. Their passionate zeal ignited crusades, drawing in followers who previously lacked the courage to dream so boldly and who often were unaware of the true reasons for which they were fighting. This zeal also attracted those with less noble intentions, seeking only personal profit. Although the era of the crusades belongs to the past, there are still people today who aim to bring goodness into the world. Regrettably, alongside them are those driven purely by self-interest, reminiscent of historical figures like Bohemond and Baldwin. Thankfully, individuals reminiscent of the old Francis, who shared uplifting messages among crusaders, and chivalrous knights like Tancred and Louis, who committed to protecting the frail and impoverished, persist to this day.



Książki autora


Dla Ciebie

Książki z kategorii

Dostawa i płatność


Cena: 18.29 zł

Okładka: Twarda

Ilość stron: 73

Rok wydania: 2007

Rozmiar: 214 x 300 mm

ID: 9788373009042

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