Książka - Biblia opowiedziana dzieciom. Stary i Nowy Testament


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Biblia opowiedziana dzieciom. Stary i Nowy Testament

Biblia opowiedziana dzieciom. Stary i Nowy Testament


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The Bible is a remarkable book that has influenced countless lives throughout history, often in unexpected ways. Even young children can grasp its profound truths when they are presented in simple, narrative terms, just as this single-volume, conveniently-sized edition does. It offers a vivid tale designed to capture a child's imagination, narrating the story of the world's creation and the Covenant between God and the people of Israel as recorded in the Old Testament. Additionally, it recounts the earthly life of Jesus and His message of salvation found in the New Testament. The storytelling is enhanced by a rich array of illustrations including drawings, reproductions of artwork, photos of the Promised Land, and various decorative elements, alongside contemporary commentary that aids in comprehending the realities of the ancient world.

"The Bible Told to Children" is an essential work for the spiritual and cultural development of a child, allowing them to embrace the sacred texts and encouraging them to explore the Bible itself—an invaluable heritage of humanity.

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The Bible is a remarkable book that has influenced countless lives throughout history, often in unexpected ways. Even young children can grasp its profound truths when they are presented in simple, narrative terms, just as this single-volume, conveniently-sized edition does. It offers a vivid tale designed to capture a child's imagination, narrating the story of the world's creation and the Covenant between God and the people of Israel as recorded in the Old Testament. Additionally, it recounts the earthly life of Jesus and His message of salvation found in the New Testament. The storytelling is enhanced by a rich array of illustrations including drawings, reproductions of artwork, photos of the Promised Land, and various decorative elements, alongside contemporary commentary that aids in comprehending the realities of the ancient world.

"The Bible Told to Children" is an essential work for the spiritual and cultural development of a child, allowing them to embrace the sacred texts and encouraging them to explore the Bible itself—an invaluable heritage of humanity.



Książki autora


Dla Ciebie

Książki z kategorii

Dostawa i płatność


Cena: 40.86 zł

Okładka: Twarda

Ilość stron: 400

Rok wydania: 2018

Rozmiar: 180 x 230 mm

ID: 9788376603209

Wydawnictwo: Jedność, Praca Zbiorowa

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