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Wyspy Kanaryjskie
Masz tę lub inne książki?
Sprzedaj je u nas
The Canary Islands entice with their endless stretches of black volcanic beaches, magnificent dragon trees, and charming colonial architecture, all set to the soundtrack of the Atlantic waves. The islands promise a golden tan, even in the heart of winter. Accompanying you on this journey is the richly illustrated guidebook, "Wyspy Kanaryjskie," which exudes a holiday vibe with its vibrant cover, colorful pages, and vivid photographs and maps. Designed to be lightweight and portable, it easily fits into any bag or suitcase. This elegant and practical guidebook provides only the essential information needed to relax and explore the most captivating sights. It is user-friendly, making it quick and enjoyable to navigate. Each chapter is differentiated by colored margins and includes an additional table of contents, ensuring you can locate what you need in no time. The photos capture the essence of a vacation, aiding in both trip planning and post-journey reflection. Illustrated guides offer both reassurance and a sense of freedom.
Wybierz stan zużycia:
jak nowa
5.84 zł
widoczne ślady używania

- zagięte rogi, przyniszczona okładka
- książka posiada wszystkie strony
- wady wizualne nie wpływają na zawartość książki i nie utrudniają czytania!
Wysyłka w ciągu 24h + czas dostawy
The Canary Islands entice with their endless stretches of black volcanic beaches, magnificent dragon trees, and charming colonial architecture, all set to the soundtrack of the Atlantic waves. The islands promise a golden tan, even in the heart of winter. Accompanying you on this journey is the richly illustrated guidebook, "Wyspy Kanaryjskie," which exudes a holiday vibe with its vibrant cover, colorful pages, and vivid photographs and maps. Designed to be lightweight and portable, it easily fits into any bag or suitcase. This elegant and practical guidebook provides only the essential information needed to relax and explore the most captivating sights. It is user-friendly, making it quick and enjoyable to navigate. Each chapter is differentiated by colored margins and includes an additional table of contents, ensuring you can locate what you need in no time. The photos capture the essence of a vacation, aiding in both trip planning and post-journey reflection. Illustrated guides offer both reassurance and a sense of freedom.