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The Complaints
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Ian Rankin's novel "Complaints" delves into the world of a specialized police department known for probing into the affairs of their fellow officers. Officially termed the Complaints and Conduct Department, these investigators are informally referred to as 'the Dark Side' or more commonly, 'The Complaints'. Malcolm Fox is a central figure within this unit. Although he recently achieved a significant success in his role, personal satisfaction eludes him—a man grappling with health issues, midlife stagnation, and burdensome family circumstances, including a father residing in a care home and a sister entangled in an abusive relationship. Set against the harsh backdrop of an Edinburgh winter, Fox is assigned to investigate Jamie Breck, an officer suspected of corruption. The dilemma, however, lies in the lack of concrete evidence against Breck. As Fox delves deeper into the case, he uncovers unexpected layers to Breck's character and actions. This discovery brings its own risks, especially when the specter of murder casts a shadow over the investigation. Published by Orion Publishing Co in 2010, this English-language paperback spans 496 pages, packaged in a compact dimension of 129×197×29 mm and weighing 342 g. With a gripping narrative that strikes a balance between procedural intricacy and personal drama, "Complaints" promises a thrilling reading experience.
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jak nowa
19.10 zł

- normalne ślady użytkowania wynikające z kartkowania podczas czytania
- brak większych uszkodzeń lub zagięć
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Ian Rankin's novel "Complaints" delves into the world of a specialized police department known for probing into the affairs of their fellow officers. Officially termed the Complaints and Conduct Department, these investigators are informally referred to as 'the Dark Side' or more commonly, 'The Complaints'. Malcolm Fox is a central figure within this unit. Although he recently achieved a significant success in his role, personal satisfaction eludes him—a man grappling with health issues, midlife stagnation, and burdensome family circumstances, including a father residing in a care home and a sister entangled in an abusive relationship. Set against the harsh backdrop of an Edinburgh winter, Fox is assigned to investigate Jamie Breck, an officer suspected of corruption. The dilemma, however, lies in the lack of concrete evidence against Breck. As Fox delves deeper into the case, he uncovers unexpected layers to Breck's character and actions. This discovery brings its own risks, especially when the specter of murder casts a shadow over the investigation. Published by Orion Publishing Co in 2010, this English-language paperback spans 496 pages, packaged in a compact dimension of 129×197×29 mm and weighing 342 g. With a gripping narrative that strikes a balance between procedural intricacy and personal drama, "Complaints" promises a thrilling reading experience.