Książka - Orinoco. On Foot to the Source of the Great River


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Orinoco. On Foot to the Source of the Great River

Orinoco. On Foot to the Source of the Great River


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Wojciech Cejrowski (Mr. WC) is a comedian and entrepreneur living in Arizona. He writes rarely, though nothing but bestsellers. In Poland, he has a farm and works the land; in the States, he has a ranch and raises cattle. All while running businesses on three continents. A free man, he lives without a cellphone and without any filter. Mr. WC likes going barefoot and wearing Hawaiian shirts. If youve never heard of him, you must be living under a rock.

No other book is so full of adventure-cowboys, Indians and the jungle. Not to mention emeralds, gold, and a shaman whos not playing with a full deck. Readers sides will split and their guts will bust (and their asses may be laughed clean off). This is a yarn masterfully spun, with an unforgettably fresh and vivid new voice. Although he often says, You dont want to be there!, its great to tag along.

Yere Yere was the worst shaman Id ever met. Id seen many, become friendly with several, but Yere Yere . Hm. He was in a class by himself.

Im absolutely not saying that he didnt know how to do anything. Oh, quite the contrary he could do plenty. Unfortunately, the majority of that plenty consisted of mix ups and screw ups.

Put simply, Yere Yere was loony. And Im not talking about the normal lunacy of a shaman, but rather a shaman-lunatic. Do you understand the difference?

Listen .

Wojciech Cejrowski

Wybierz stan zużycia:


Wojciech Cejrowski (Mr. WC) is a comedian and entrepreneur living in Arizona. He writes rarely, though nothing but bestsellers. In Poland, he has a farm and works the land; in the States, he has a ranch and raises cattle. All while running businesses on three continents. A free man, he lives without a cellphone and without any filter. Mr. WC likes going barefoot and wearing Hawaiian shirts. If youve never heard of him, you must be living under a rock.

No other book is so full of adventure-cowboys, Indians and the jungle. Not to mention emeralds, gold, and a shaman whos not playing with a full deck. Readers sides will split and their guts will bust (and their asses may be laughed clean off). This is a yarn masterfully spun, with an unforgettably fresh and vivid new voice. Although he often says, You dont want to be there!, its great to tag along.

Yere Yere was the worst shaman Id ever met. Id seen many, become friendly with several, but Yere Yere . Hm. He was in a class by himself.

Im absolutely not saying that he didnt know how to do anything. Oh, quite the contrary he could do plenty. Unfortunately, the majority of that plenty consisted of mix ups and screw ups.

Put simply, Yere Yere was loony. And Im not talking about the normal lunacy of a shaman, but rather a shaman-lunatic. Do you understand the difference?

Listen .

Wojciech Cejrowski


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Okładka: -

Ilość stron: 432

Rok wydania: 2023

Rozmiar: 147 x 210 mm

ID: 9788383330815

Wydawnictwo: Bernardinum

Inne książki: Wojciech Cejrowski

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