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Macice i płacz ptaków
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A collection of poems skillfully intertwines several significant themes, particularly relevant to contemporary Polish poetry. It delves into the realm of the body and its associations, elements of spatial poetics, especially issues of nomadism, as well as autobiographical experiences. These poems touch upon the nuances of life and the boundaries that life presents. One striking feature is the narrative quality of the poems, which evolve along axes of events, memories, and observations, offering an internal dynamic that is developed in diverse and non-monotonous ways. Agnieszka Toczko, a Kraków native with a background in Polish studies and editing, continuously searches for something elusive. While she loves all animals, her household includes only two cats and two dogs, and her affection for books is selective. "Macice i płacz ptaków" marks her poetic debut.
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24.00 zł

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Dostępna ilość 7
Uwaga została 1 szt.
Posiadamy 7 szt.
A collection of poems skillfully intertwines several significant themes, particularly relevant to contemporary Polish poetry. It delves into the realm of the body and its associations, elements of spatial poetics, especially issues of nomadism, as well as autobiographical experiences. These poems touch upon the nuances of life and the boundaries that life presents. One striking feature is the narrative quality of the poems, which evolve along axes of events, memories, and observations, offering an internal dynamic that is developed in diverse and non-monotonous ways. Agnieszka Toczko, a Kraków native with a background in Polish studies and editing, continuously searches for something elusive. While she loves all animals, her household includes only two cats and two dogs, and her affection for books is selective. "Macice i płacz ptaków" marks her poetic debut.