Książka - Jedno oko na Maroko


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Jedno oko na Maroko

Jedno oko na Maroko


Masz tę lub inne książki?

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This engaging collection of simple yet profound conversations brings to light the unique aspects of individuals who stand out from the crowd. It marks the first journalistic book designed specifically for children, featuring a vibrant and energetic graphical presentation.

Children's natural curiosity often leads them to ask questions such as: Why is that man in a wheelchair? Why is that lady so large? What is the purpose of dark glasses for the blind? Do twins really have no differences? Why does that woman have so many tattoos?

The book was created to address these curious questions that children ponder about the fascinating diversity of people around them, offering answers through direct exchanges. Individuals who distinguish themselves in various ways respond to straightforward queries that might arise in a child's mind.

The book introduces readers to a blind person, a bodybuilder, a transgender individual, twins, a priest, a homeless person, and someone of short stature. Presented through fourteen concise dialogues, it delves into an array of human stories, emotions, and experiences, encouraging thoughtful reflection. This narrative fosters sensitivity, empathy, and openness towards human diversity.

Ultimately, it's a book meant to be both read and discussed, ideal for people of all ages—children and parents alike.

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41.27 zł


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This engaging collection of simple yet profound conversations brings to light the unique aspects of individuals who stand out from the crowd. It marks the first journalistic book designed specifically for children, featuring a vibrant and energetic graphical presentation.

Children's natural curiosity often leads them to ask questions such as: Why is that man in a wheelchair? Why is that lady so large? What is the purpose of dark glasses for the blind? Do twins really have no differences? Why does that woman have so many tattoos?

The book was created to address these curious questions that children ponder about the fascinating diversity of people around them, offering answers through direct exchanges. Individuals who distinguish themselves in various ways respond to straightforward queries that might arise in a child's mind.

The book introduces readers to a blind person, a bodybuilder, a transgender individual, twins, a priest, a homeless person, and someone of short stature. Presented through fourteen concise dialogues, it delves into an array of human stories, emotions, and experiences, encouraging thoughtful reflection. This narrative fosters sensitivity, empathy, and openness towards human diversity.

Ultimately, it's a book meant to be both read and discussed, ideal for people of all ages—children and parents alike.



Książki autora


Dla Ciebie

Książki z kategorii

Dostawa i płatność


Cena: 41.27 zł

Okładka: Miękka

Ilość stron: 112

Rok wydania: 2022

Rozmiar: 170 x 240 mm

ID: 9788381503082

Inne książki: Tomasz Kwaśniewski

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