Książka - Everything I Know About Love


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Everything I Know About Love

Everything I Know About Love


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In her memoir, journalist Dolly Alderton delves into the chaotic yet exhilarating journey of reaching adulthood. She shares candid anecdotes of her experiences in love, navigating self-sabotage, securing employment, and hosting a memorably chaotic Rod Stewart-themed party. Alderton's storytelling captures the essence of youthful misadventures—nights spent inebriated, facing heartbreak, and the unexpected realization that Ivan, the local shopkeeper, seems to be the sole dependable man in her life. Despite the chaos, the unwavering support of friends at the end of tumultuous evenings shines through. With a brilliant mix of humor and heartfelt reflections, the book portrays the messy yet hopeful nature of early adulthood.

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In her memoir, journalist Dolly Alderton delves into the chaotic yet exhilarating journey of reaching adulthood. She shares candid anecdotes of her experiences in love, navigating self-sabotage, securing employment, and hosting a memorably chaotic Rod Stewart-themed party. Alderton's storytelling captures the essence of youthful misadventures—nights spent inebriated, facing heartbreak, and the unexpected realization that Ivan, the local shopkeeper, seems to be the sole dependable man in her life. Despite the chaos, the unwavering support of friends at the end of tumultuous evenings shines through. With a brilliant mix of humor and heartfelt reflections, the book portrays the messy yet hopeful nature of early adulthood.



Książki autora


Dla Ciebie

Książki z kategorii

Dostawa i płatność


Cena: - zł

Okładka: Miękka

Ilość stron: 368

Rok wydania: 2019

Rozmiar: 130 x 200 mm

ID: 9780241982105

Autorzy: Dolly Alderton

Inne książki: Dolly Alderton

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Inne książki: Biografie

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