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Early figures in the genesis of the Franciscan charism are marked by a profound dedication to living a life of faith and following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. Despite the diversity in their personalities, these individuals were united by a common goal: to embody the ideals of the Holy Gospel and to follow the example set by the Saint from Assisi. This common pursuit forged a unique brotherhood, famously known as the Friars Minor.
The first segment of the study explores the fundamental characteristics of the spiritual life emerging within the early community of the Friars Minor, placing it within its historical and cultural context. The second segment delves into the lives of brothers who, through direct interaction with Francis of Assisi, experienced a defining call and spiritual evolution. These key figures include Bernard of Quintavalle, Brother Leo, Caesarius of Speyer, Giles of Assisi, Thomas of Celano, Rizziero of Muccia, Simon of Collazzone, Jordan of Giano, John of Pian del Carpine, and Anthony of Padua. The selection of these individuals is primarily based on the availability of their own writings or other sources that offer insight into the distinct features of their spirituality.
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50.01 zł

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Dostępna ilość 5
Uwaga została 1 szt.
Posiadamy 5 szt.
Dostępna ilość
Early figures in the genesis of the Franciscan charism are marked by a profound dedication to living a life of faith and following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. Despite the diversity in their personalities, these individuals were united by a common goal: to embody the ideals of the Holy Gospel and to follow the example set by the Saint from Assisi. This common pursuit forged a unique brotherhood, famously known as the Friars Minor.
The first segment of the study explores the fundamental characteristics of the spiritual life emerging within the early community of the Friars Minor, placing it within its historical and cultural context. The second segment delves into the lives of brothers who, through direct interaction with Francis of Assisi, experienced a defining call and spiritual evolution. These key figures include Bernard of Quintavalle, Brother Leo, Caesarius of Speyer, Giles of Assisi, Thomas of Celano, Rizziero of Muccia, Simon of Collazzone, Jordan of Giano, John of Pian del Carpine, and Anthony of Padua. The selection of these individuals is primarily based on the availability of their own writings or other sources that offer insight into the distinct features of their spirituality.
Książki autora
Dla Ciebie
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Dostawa i płatność
Cena: 50.01 zł
Okładka: Twarda
Ilość stron: 328
Rok wydania: 2017
Rozmiar: 172 x 240 mm
ID: 9788374852951
Autorzy: Wiesław Block
Wydawnictwo: Bratni Zew, Serafin, Serafin
Inne książki: Wiesław Block
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