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Cormac McCarthy's opus magnum, a book that took the literary world by storm and earned a Pulitzer Prize, stands as a testament to storytelling at its most intense and haunting. Recognized by The New York Times as a bestseller, this novel unfolds in the dying moments of Earth, portraying the remnants of humanity as predatory shadows against the backdrop of civilization's faded relics—a can of coca-cola and tattered newspapers among them. With an apocalyptic theme gripping readers with both terror and admiration, McCarthy paints a future unraveling at the seams.

Set in a world where catastrophe has obliterated nearly all life and reduced our civilization to ashes, this story takes place in a realm devoid of light and warmth, where the landscape breaks under the grip of relentless frost. Wildlife has vanished, leaving behind only the violent remnants of humanity. Central to this desolation are a father and son, wandering through this barren wasteland toward an uncertain horizon. Their journey is fraught with peril, surrounded by despair and fear, yet they harbor an enduring flame of love.

The narrative is a poignant exploration of a journey doomed to a tragic end, captured in a style that is at once stark and beautiful, achieving moments of poetic brilliance akin to the somber ballads of Nick Cave or Tom Waits. "The Road" offers a soot-black elegy on a once vibrant paradise we scarcely comprehend or appreciate. Few works manage to evoke such profound emotional engagement.

Cormac McCarthy (b. 1933) is a renowned American novelist, playwright, and screenwriter, celebrated as one of the most significant authors alongside Thomas Pynchon, Don DeLillo, and Philip Roth, often heralded as the successor to William Faulkner. He is an eloquent chronicler of the American Southwest, currently residing in New Mexico, and has been honored with awards including the William Faulkner Award and the Pulitzer Prize. Wydawnictwo Literackie holds the exclusive rights to publish his works in Poland.

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Cormac McCarthy's opus magnum, a book that took the literary world by storm and earned a Pulitzer Prize, stands as a testament to storytelling at its most intense and haunting. Recognized by The New York Times as a bestseller, this novel unfolds in the dying moments of Earth, portraying the remnants of humanity as predatory shadows against the backdrop of civilization's faded relics—a can of coca-cola and tattered newspapers among them. With an apocalyptic theme gripping readers with both terror and admiration, McCarthy paints a future unraveling at the seams.

Set in a world where catastrophe has obliterated nearly all life and reduced our civilization to ashes, this story takes place in a realm devoid of light and warmth, where the landscape breaks under the grip of relentless frost. Wildlife has vanished, leaving behind only the violent remnants of humanity. Central to this desolation are a father and son, wandering through this barren wasteland toward an uncertain horizon. Their journey is fraught with peril, surrounded by despair and fear, yet they harbor an enduring flame of love.

The narrative is a poignant exploration of a journey doomed to a tragic end, captured in a style that is at once stark and beautiful, achieving moments of poetic brilliance akin to the somber ballads of Nick Cave or Tom Waits. "The Road" offers a soot-black elegy on a once vibrant paradise we scarcely comprehend or appreciate. Few works manage to evoke such profound emotional engagement.

Cormac McCarthy (b. 1933) is a renowned American novelist, playwright, and screenwriter, celebrated as one of the most significant authors alongside Thomas Pynchon, Don DeLillo, and Philip Roth, often heralded as the successor to William Faulkner. He is an eloquent chronicler of the American Southwest, currently residing in New Mexico, and has been honored with awards including the William Faulkner Award and the Pulitzer Prize. Wydawnictwo Literackie holds the exclusive rights to publish his works in Poland.



Książki autora


Dla Ciebie

Książki z kategorii

Dostawa i płatność


Cena: - zł

Okładka: Miękka

Ilość stron: 272

Rok wydania: 2019

Rozmiar: 125 x 195 mm

ID: 9788308068687

Inne książki: Cormac McCarthy

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