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Cash. The Autobiography
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This captivating autobiography captures the journey of a country music icon, detailing the peaks and valleys, challenges, and hard-earned victories that defined his extraordinary life. It begins with Johnny Cash's formative years on an Arkansas cotton farm, progressing to his early career breakthroughs at Sun Records. Readers are taken through his experiences on the road, including encounters and performances for global leaders. The narrative doesn't shy away from the more difficult periods of his life, such as his struggles with addiction to amphetamines and painkillers, an attempt at suicide, and the spiritual enlightenment that ultimately guided him toward recovery. Despite confronting his turbulent history openly, Johnny Cash emerges throughout his memoir as a figure of sincerity, modesty, and wit. His friendships with notable figures like Roy Orbison, Willie Nelson, Bob Dylan, and Billy Graham also feature prominently in his storytelling.
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jak nowa
19.32 zł

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This captivating autobiography captures the journey of a country music icon, detailing the peaks and valleys, challenges, and hard-earned victories that defined his extraordinary life. It begins with Johnny Cash's formative years on an Arkansas cotton farm, progressing to his early career breakthroughs at Sun Records. Readers are taken through his experiences on the road, including encounters and performances for global leaders. The narrative doesn't shy away from the more difficult periods of his life, such as his struggles with addiction to amphetamines and painkillers, an attempt at suicide, and the spiritual enlightenment that ultimately guided him toward recovery. Despite confronting his turbulent history openly, Johnny Cash emerges throughout his memoir as a figure of sincerity, modesty, and wit. His friendships with notable figures like Roy Orbison, Willie Nelson, Bob Dylan, and Billy Graham also feature prominently in his storytelling.