Książka - Biblia. Stary i Nowy Testament


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Biblia. Stary i Nowy Testament

Biblia. Stary i Nowy Testament


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The Holy Scripture is an essential companion for those seeking a closer relationship with God. This portable, compact edition of the Bible is perfect for taking along wherever you go, ensuring you remain connected to your faith in all life's journeys.

Ideal for individuals who navigate life with constant spiritual guidance, this convenient version of the Holy Scripture is especially suited for pilgrims and participants in religious gatherings. Its small format makes it easy to carry during travels by train or bus, fitting seamlessly into your daily routine.

Featuring the latest translation from original languages by the Paulists, this edition includes the complete text of the Holy Scripture. It stands out with a two-color print design and clear layout, enhancing the reading experience. Margin notes indicate the books of the Bible, significantly simplifying the navigation through its contents. Additionally, this edition offers two colorful supplements: a biblical atlas and an introduction to reading, which enrich the experience further. Practical tips are included, guiding readers on prayer techniques and how to effectively engage with God's word. Moreover, it provides a reading plan to help you cover the entire Bible within 365 days.

This version of the Holy Scripture is an indispensable asset for any believer, serving as a profound guide through life's path. With 1400 pages and vibrant inserts, this handy Bible is a true treasure worth carrying with you always.

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The Holy Scripture is an essential companion for those seeking a closer relationship with God. This portable, compact edition of the Bible is perfect for taking along wherever you go, ensuring you remain connected to your faith in all life's journeys.

Ideal for individuals who navigate life with constant spiritual guidance, this convenient version of the Holy Scripture is especially suited for pilgrims and participants in religious gatherings. Its small format makes it easy to carry during travels by train or bus, fitting seamlessly into your daily routine.

Featuring the latest translation from original languages by the Paulists, this edition includes the complete text of the Holy Scripture. It stands out with a two-color print design and clear layout, enhancing the reading experience. Margin notes indicate the books of the Bible, significantly simplifying the navigation through its contents. Additionally, this edition offers two colorful supplements: a biblical atlas and an introduction to reading, which enrich the experience further. Practical tips are included, guiding readers on prayer techniques and how to effectively engage with God's word. Moreover, it provides a reading plan to help you cover the entire Bible within 365 days.

This version of the Holy Scripture is an indispensable asset for any believer, serving as a profound guide through life's path. With 1400 pages and vibrant inserts, this handy Bible is a true treasure worth carrying with you always.



Książki autora


Dla Ciebie

Książki z kategorii

Dostawa i płatność


Cena: 39.24 zł

Okładka: Miękka

Ilość stron: 1504

Rok wydania: 2015

Rozmiar: 12 x 19 mm

ID: 9788377974391

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