Książka - Thorough wave. Good times, righteous affairs... UA


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Thorough wave. Good times, righteous affairs... UA

Thorough wave. Good times, righteous affairs... UA


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His "crusades" for democracy and human rights have become a legend in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. The prominent political leader, who survived the war, was held captive in Vietnam for five years and returned gray-haired. He openly opposed Trump's presidency, took an active part in ending the war in Donbas, and called Putin "worse and more dangerous than ISIS." But what did John McCain think of when he left the Senate? These memories are the result not only of his political career, but also of deep reflections on life, family, friends, the price of victory and the burden of defeat. This book is a warning to the Western world and at the same time a guide for anyone who is deceived. It is a call to never forget democratic values ??and to uphold individual freedom at a time when the shadow of dictatorship is wandering the civilized world.

Partly memoirs, partly geopolitical analysis, partly McCain's belief in American ideals and values; these are touching memories of a dedicated politician.

His "crusades" for democracy and human rights have become a legend in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. The prominent political leader, who survived the war, was held captive in Vietnam for five years and returned gray-haired. He openly opposed Trump's presidency, took an active part in ending the war in Donbas, and called Putin "worse and more dangerous than ISIS." But what did John McCain think of when he left the Senate? These memories are the result not only of his political career, but also of deep reflections on life, family, friends, the price of victory and the burden of defeat. This book is a warning to the Western world and at the same time a guide for anyone who is deceived. It is a call to never forget democratic values ??and to uphold individual freedom at a time when the shadow of dictatorship is wandering the civilized world.

Partly memoirs, partly geopolitical analysis, partly McCain's belief in American ideals and values; these are touching memories of a dedicated politician.

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His "crusades" for democracy and human rights have become a legend in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. The prominent political leader, who survived the war, was held captive in Vietnam for five years and returned gray-haired. He openly opposed Trump's presidency, took an active part in ending the war in Donbas, and called Putin "worse and more dangerous than ISIS." But what did John McCain think of when he left the Senate? These memories are the result not only of his political career, but also of deep reflections on life, family, friends, the price of victory and the burden of defeat. This book is a warning to the Western world and at the same time a guide for anyone who is deceived. It is a call to never forget democratic values ??and to uphold individual freedom at a time when the shadow of dictatorship is wandering the civilized world.

Partly memoirs, partly geopolitical analysis, partly McCain's belief in American ideals and values; these are touching memories of a dedicated politician.

His "crusades" for democracy and human rights have become a legend in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. The prominent political leader, who survived the war, was held captive in Vietnam for five years and returned gray-haired. He openly opposed Trump's presidency, took an active part in ending the war in Donbas, and called Putin "worse and more dangerous than ISIS." But what did John McCain think of when he left the Senate? These memories are the result not only of his political career, but also of deep reflections on life, family, friends, the price of victory and the burden of defeat. This book is a warning to the Western world and at the same time a guide for anyone who is deceived. It is a call to never forget democratic values ??and to uphold individual freedom at a time when the shadow of dictatorship is wandering the civilized world.

Partly memoirs, partly geopolitical analysis, partly McCain's belief in American ideals and values; these are touching memories of a dedicated politician.



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Cena: 43.44 zł

Okładka: -

Ilość stron: 432

Rok wydania: 2020

Rozmiar: 150 x 205 mm

ID: 9789669820655

Autorzy: John McCain

Wydawnictwo: Vivat

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