Książka - The yard of darkness and anger w. ukraińska


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The yard of darkness and anger w. ukraińska

The yard of darkness and anger w. ukraińska


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Feyra is preparing to marry her lover, Temlin. However, the memory of the crime she committed to free herself from Amaranta comes back to haunt her. Tamlin tries to protect her by controlling her every step, but the girl does not want to become a fairy princess. In addition, Tamlin himself has more and more secrets from his beloved. Is it just to protect her? At this time, Risend, the Lord of the Night Court, reminds of the agreement made between them. He probably wants to use it for his own purpose. And now, with the threat of a terrible war looming over Pryphia and the human lands, Feyra must decide who to trust. At stake is the life of her family and the fate of the whole world. And in the magical world of fairies, friends can be more dangerous than enemies. Now Feyra faces a much greater evil than she could have imagined.

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Feyra is preparing to marry her lover, Temlin. However, the memory of the crime she committed to free herself from Amaranta comes back to haunt her. Tamlin tries to protect her by controlling her every step, but the girl does not want to become a fairy princess. In addition, Tamlin himself has more and more secrets from his beloved. Is it just to protect her? At this time, Risend, the Lord of the Night Court, reminds of the agreement made between them. He probably wants to use it for his own purpose. And now, with the threat of a terrible war looming over Pryphia and the human lands, Feyra must decide who to trust. At stake is the life of her family and the fate of the whole world. And in the magical world of fairies, friends can be more dangerous than enemies. Now Feyra faces a much greater evil than she could have imagined.


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Okładka: -

Ilość stron: 736

Rok wydania: 2022

Rozmiar: 135 x 205 mm

ID: 9789669822758

Autorzy: Sarah J. Maas

Wydawnictwo: Vivat

Inne książki: Sarah J. Maas

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