Książka - Rawls on religion in public debate


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Rawls on religion in public debate

Rawls on religion in public debate


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Anyone eager to understand the central positions in political philosophy concerning the role of religious discourse within democratic politics should consider this insightful book. Father Dańkowski's meticulous analysis shines through, and his innovative suggestions on the place of religious belief in modern democracies deserve close examination. Equally noteworthy are his recommendations for advancing Roman Catholic social thought on these matters, as highlighted by Michael Schuck, Professor of Christian Ethics at Loyola University Chicago.

In Dariusz Dańkowski SJ’s work, readers are provided with a thorough exploration of John Rawls’ political liberalism. Dańkowski examines the intriguing connections between liberal political dialogue and Catholic social teachings, illustrating how these perspectives can converge into a mutually supportive consensus — a crucial consideration in today’s culturally and religiously diverse societies. Piotr Sikora, Professor of Philosophy at Jesuit University Ignatianum in Cracow, appreciates the book as a prime example of how thoughtful Christians contribute to discussing issues in multicultural and multireligious liberal societies.

Dańkowski argues that John Rawls, through the introduction of the concept of reasonableness, presents a fresh perspective on the interplay between religion and liberalism. He posits that Rawls offers a more coherent theory of liberal legitimacy compared to other perspectives, such as that of Habermas. Dańkowski emerges as a compelling advocate for the inclusion of religious arguments in the political debates of contemporary liberal democracies. Zbigniew Kubacki SJ, Professor of Theology at the Pontifical Faculty of Theology - Collegium Bobolanum in Warsaw, suggests that this book is essential reading for anyone interested in understanding religion’s place in liberal democracy and its influence on public discourse.

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Anyone eager to understand the central positions in political philosophy concerning the role of religious discourse within democratic politics should consider this insightful book. Father Dańkowski's meticulous analysis shines through, and his innovative suggestions on the place of religious belief in modern democracies deserve close examination. Equally noteworthy are his recommendations for advancing Roman Catholic social thought on these matters, as highlighted by Michael Schuck, Professor of Christian Ethics at Loyola University Chicago.

In Dariusz Dańkowski SJ’s work, readers are provided with a thorough exploration of John Rawls’ political liberalism. Dańkowski examines the intriguing connections between liberal political dialogue and Catholic social teachings, illustrating how these perspectives can converge into a mutually supportive consensus — a crucial consideration in today’s culturally and religiously diverse societies. Piotr Sikora, Professor of Philosophy at Jesuit University Ignatianum in Cracow, appreciates the book as a prime example of how thoughtful Christians contribute to discussing issues in multicultural and multireligious liberal societies.

Dańkowski argues that John Rawls, through the introduction of the concept of reasonableness, presents a fresh perspective on the interplay between religion and liberalism. He posits that Rawls offers a more coherent theory of liberal legitimacy compared to other perspectives, such as that of Habermas. Dańkowski emerges as a compelling advocate for the inclusion of religious arguments in the political debates of contemporary liberal democracies. Zbigniew Kubacki SJ, Professor of Theology at the Pontifical Faculty of Theology - Collegium Bobolanum in Warsaw, suggests that this book is essential reading for anyone interested in understanding religion’s place in liberal democracy and its influence on public discourse.



Książki autora


Dla Ciebie

Książki z kategorii

Dostawa i płatność


Cena: 18.20 zł

Okładka: Miękka

Ilość stron: 204

Rok wydania: 2014

Rozmiar: 156 x 232 mm

ID: 9788327700704

Wydawnictwo: WAM, Wydawnictwo WAM

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