Książka - Czarnobyl


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This graphic novel narrates the journey of a family among many who were uprooted from their homes following the catastrophic incident at the Chernobyl nuclear facility. Initially informed that their evacuation would last only a few days, they soon faced the harsh reality that the invisible menace had seized their belongings and would render their homes and land inhospitable for generations. Although several decades have passed since the fateful events of April, this time frame pales in comparison to the millennia that must elapse before the radioactive contamination ceases to be a threat. The novel serves as a poignant homage to those directly confronted with the fallout of unchecked nuclear energy.

In a thoughtful narrative that neither seeks to sensationalize nor stir controversy, Francisco Sánchez and Natacha Bustos present a detached yet empathetic view through three fictional characters who could easily mirror real-life individuals. Through their story, the authors gently guide the audience to grasp the magnitude of what transpired in Chernobyl and encourage reflection on its implications for contemporary society.

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68.25 zł


Cena rynkowa: BRAK
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This graphic novel narrates the journey of a family among many who were uprooted from their homes following the catastrophic incident at the Chernobyl nuclear facility. Initially informed that their evacuation would last only a few days, they soon faced the harsh reality that the invisible menace had seized their belongings and would render their homes and land inhospitable for generations. Although several decades have passed since the fateful events of April, this time frame pales in comparison to the millennia that must elapse before the radioactive contamination ceases to be a threat. The novel serves as a poignant homage to those directly confronted with the fallout of unchecked nuclear energy.

In a thoughtful narrative that neither seeks to sensationalize nor stir controversy, Francisco Sánchez and Natacha Bustos present a detached yet empathetic view through three fictional characters who could easily mirror real-life individuals. Through their story, the authors gently guide the audience to grasp the magnitude of what transpired in Chernobyl and encourage reflection on its implications for contemporary society.



Książki autora


Dla Ciebie

Książki z kategorii

Dostawa i płatność


Cena: 68.25 zł

Okładka: Miękka

Ilość stron: 188

Rok wydania: 2022

Rozmiar: 17 x 24 mm

ID: 9780993395116

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Książki o Czarnobylu

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