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Cambridge English B2. Compact. First for Schools. Second edition. Student's Book without answers + CD
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The course is crafted to enhance the abilities of learners in the school-age bracket. Comprising eight well-structured units, it addresses essential themes, vocabulary, and grammar, equipping students with the skills necessary for all four sections of the updated Cambridge English: First (FCE) for Schools exam, implemented in 2015. Each unit delves into two topics that resonate with teenagers, ensuring comprehensive coverage of the entire exam syllabus, and providing a foundation for CLIL-based activities and projects. The course includes dedicated grammar sections and a Grammar Reference guide to assist students in mastering precise language structures, particularly for the Use of English tasks in the new Reading and Use of English exam paper. Aimed at the B2 level, the vocabulary instruction draws from English Profile insights and is consolidated in a Wordlist that highlights the crucial vocabulary from each unit. Additionally, students receive 'Exam tips' alongside grammar and vocabulary exercises designed from the Cambridge Learner Corpus, helping them to steer clear of frequent mistakes seen in real Cambridge exam scenarios.
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jak nowa
22.58 zł
widoczne ślady używania

- zagięte rogi, przyniszczona okładka
- książka posiada wszystkie strony
- wady wizualne nie wpływają na zawartość książki i nie utrudniają czytania!
Wysyłka w ciągu 24h + czas dostawy
The course is crafted to enhance the abilities of learners in the school-age bracket. Comprising eight well-structured units, it addresses essential themes, vocabulary, and grammar, equipping students with the skills necessary for all four sections of the updated Cambridge English: First (FCE) for Schools exam, implemented in 2015. Each unit delves into two topics that resonate with teenagers, ensuring comprehensive coverage of the entire exam syllabus, and providing a foundation for CLIL-based activities and projects. The course includes dedicated grammar sections and a Grammar Reference guide to assist students in mastering precise language structures, particularly for the Use of English tasks in the new Reading and Use of English exam paper. Aimed at the B2 level, the vocabulary instruction draws from English Profile insights and is consolidated in a Wordlist that highlights the crucial vocabulary from each unit. Additionally, students receive 'Exam tips' alongside grammar and vocabulary exercises designed from the Cambridge Learner Corpus, helping them to steer clear of frequent mistakes seen in real Cambridge exam scenarios.