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This book is an intriguing compilation where the integration of photographs and text mimics the format of a comic, giving both components equal importance. It evokes the rhythm of reggae music, where concise, punchy texts create the percussive staccato, while the images deliver a melodic narrative. The beauty of this work lies in its universal appeal; nature conservationists and their adversaries, restless spirits and homebodies, the old and the young, even parents and children can find common ground through its pages.
The warthog embodies both wisdom and foolishness, carefree to the point of recklessness, unconcerned about the future, and deterring enemies through sheer appearance. In the musical "The Lion King," the character Pumbaa famously repeats the motto "hakuna matata," encapsulating a sense of relaxation that mirrors both his personality and the essence of Africa.
Africa has undergone significant transformations, yet its age-old image persists. For many, it remains a land of grand adventures and resilient people, where explorers sought treasures, adventurers stirred chaos, hunters tracked lions, and lions pursued hunters. There was no room for the faint-hearted.
The honey badger, known as the fearless Orland of Africa, is often proclaimed the bravest animal on earth. It bows to no one in the bush: it nonchalantly dines on venomous cobras for breakfast and mocks lions with impunity.
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13.73 zł
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- niezauważalne lub prawie niezauważalne ślady używania
- książkę ciężko odróżnić od nowej pozycji
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Dostępna ilość 1
Uwaga została 1 szt.
Posiadamy 3 szt.
This book is an intriguing compilation where the integration of photographs and text mimics the format of a comic, giving both components equal importance. It evokes the rhythm of reggae music, where concise, punchy texts create the percussive staccato, while the images deliver a melodic narrative. The beauty of this work lies in its universal appeal; nature conservationists and their adversaries, restless spirits and homebodies, the old and the young, even parents and children can find common ground through its pages.
The warthog embodies both wisdom and foolishness, carefree to the point of recklessness, unconcerned about the future, and deterring enemies through sheer appearance. In the musical "The Lion King," the character Pumbaa famously repeats the motto "hakuna matata," encapsulating a sense of relaxation that mirrors both his personality and the essence of Africa.
Africa has undergone significant transformations, yet its age-old image persists. For many, it remains a land of grand adventures and resilient people, where explorers sought treasures, adventurers stirred chaos, hunters tracked lions, and lions pursued hunters. There was no room for the faint-hearted.
The honey badger, known as the fearless Orland of Africa, is often proclaimed the bravest animal on earth. It bows to no one in the bush: it nonchalantly dines on venomous cobras for breakfast and mocks lions with impunity.