Książka - Solitude : In Pursuit of a Singular Life in a Crowded World


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Solitude : In Pursuit of a Singular Life in a Crowded World

Solitude : In Pursuit of a Singular Life in a Crowded World


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`An elegant, thoughtful book . . . beautifully expresses the importance and experience of liberation from the battery-hen life of constant connection and crowds.' Daily Mail `A compelling study of the subtle ways in which modern life and technologies have transformed our behaviour and sense of self.' Times Literary Supplement In a world of social media and smartphones, true solitude has become increasingly hard to find. In this timely and important book, award-winning writer Michael Harris reveals why our hyper-connected society makes time alone more crucial than ever. He delves into the latest neuroscience to examine the way innovations like Google Maps and Facebook are eroding our ability to be by ourselves. He tells the stories of the remarkable people - from pioneering computer scientists to great nineteenth-century novelists - who managed to find solitude in the most unexpected of places. And he explores how solitude can bring clarity and creativity to each of our inner lives. Urgent, eloquent and beautifully argued, Solitude might just change the way you think about being alone. `Speaks to a long-overdue conversation we still haven't properly had in our society.' Vice `A timely, elegant provocation to daydream and wander.' Nathan Filer, author of The Shock of the Fall `A poetic, contemplative journey into the benefits of solo sojourning.' Elle

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`An elegant, thoughtful book . . . beautifully expresses the importance and experience of liberation from the battery-hen life of constant connection and crowds.' Daily Mail `A compelling study of the subtle ways in which modern life and technologies have transformed our behaviour and sense of self.' Times Literary Supplement In a world of social media and smartphones, true solitude has become increasingly hard to find. In this timely and important book, award-winning writer Michael Harris reveals why our hyper-connected society makes time alone more crucial than ever. He delves into the latest neuroscience to examine the way innovations like Google Maps and Facebook are eroding our ability to be by ourselves. He tells the stories of the remarkable people - from pioneering computer scientists to great nineteenth-century novelists - who managed to find solitude in the most unexpected of places. And he explores how solitude can bring clarity and creativity to each of our inner lives. Urgent, eloquent and beautifully argued, Solitude might just change the way you think about being alone. `Speaks to a long-overdue conversation we still haven't properly had in our society.' Vice `A timely, elegant provocation to daydream and wander.' Nathan Filer, author of The Shock of the Fall `A poetic, contemplative journey into the benefits of solo sojourning.' Elle



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Cena: 36.88 zł

Okładka: Miękka

Ilość stron: 272

Rok wydania: 2018

Rozmiar: 129 x 198 mm

ID: 9781847947666

Autorzy: Harris Michael

Wydawnictwo: Random House

Inne książki: Harris Michael

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