Książka - Russian loanwords in the Chulym Turkic dialects


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Russian loanwords in the Chulym Turkic dialects

Russian loanwords in the Chulym Turkic dialects


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Marzanna Pomorska (born 1968) is a specialist in Turkic languages at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. For years her main area of interest has been the study of the Chulym Turkic dialects, still one of the lesser known and rather poorly researched areas of Turkology.
The present work focuses on lexical borrowings from Russian into Middle and Lower Chulym as well as Krik. The first part of the book is a comprehensive catalogue of currently identifiable borrowings, which have been scattered so far in various, often inaccessible, publications, and as such largely unavailable for research purposes. In the second part, the material is subjected to analysis from the point of view of phonetic and morphological adaptation and classified according to the semantic field and word class. The study concludes with an index of the Russian etyma.

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Marzanna Pomorska (born 1968) is a specialist in Turkic languages at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. For years her main area of interest has been the study of the Chulym Turkic dialects, still one of the lesser known and rather poorly researched areas of Turkology.
The present work focuses on lexical borrowings from Russian into Middle and Lower Chulym as well as Krik. The first part of the book is a comprehensive catalogue of currently identifiable borrowings, which have been scattered so far in various, often inaccessible, publications, and as such largely unavailable for research purposes. In the second part, the material is subjected to analysis from the point of view of phonetic and morphological adaptation and classified according to the semantic field and word class. The study concludes with an index of the Russian etyma.


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Okładka: -

Ilość stron: 266

Rok wydania: 2018

Rozmiar: 17 x 24 mm

ID: 9788376388724

Wydawnictwo: Księgarnia Akademicka

Inne książki: Marzanna Pomorska

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