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Używany - widoczne ślady użytkowania
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Partie małe w wybranych państwach Europy...
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Sprzedaj je u nas
Political parties in modern democracies consistently function as key institutions where members engage in the pursuit and exercise of power. This understanding is generally accepted and does not provoke the same level of debate that the assertion might—that political parties are primarily responsible for articulating group interests.
For several decades, empirical evidence supporting this viewpoint has been prevalent in social sciences. This evidence emerged from the study of a process known as the thawing of party systems and the simultaneous shift of Western European societies towards post-material values, experiences of which were attainable without the direct involvement of political parties.
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Political parties in modern democracies consistently function as key institutions where members engage in the pursuit and exercise of power. This understanding is generally accepted and does not provoke the same level of debate that the assertion might—that political parties are primarily responsible for articulating group interests.
For several decades, empirical evidence supporting this viewpoint has been prevalent in social sciences. This evidence emerged from the study of a process known as the thawing of party systems and the simultaneous shift of Western European societies towards post-material values, experiences of which were attainable without the direct involvement of political parties.