Książka - My Museum, a Museum about Me...


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My Museum, a Museum about Me...

My Museum, a Museum about Me...


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This book [] is the result of a scholarly intervention into the space of the Kraków Ethnographic Museum. While reflecting on one specific project, it opens many questions relevant for reformulating our ideas about both the museum and the academy. The projects approach to intellectual deliberation is horizontal, engaging students on equal footing with professors, resulting in a publication that embodies collaborative practice. It is also a unique example of how thought can be manifested in creative action, which itself then produces a new object for critical reflection. It is a true blend of theory and practice; an attempt to embed the university in the broader social world while similarly urging museums to speak directly to the societies about which they teach. The project thus proposes both a new form of research and a new take on the presentation of academic knowledge. Thinking through the museum becomes as promised not only a critical view of the institution, but also a meditation on society, its rules, and the identities of its inhabitants.

Iwona Kurz, University of Warsaw

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This book [] is the result of a scholarly intervention into the space of the Kraków Ethnographic Museum. While reflecting on one specific project, it opens many questions relevant for reformulating our ideas about both the museum and the academy. The projects approach to intellectual deliberation is horizontal, engaging students on equal footing with professors, resulting in a publication that embodies collaborative practice. It is also a unique example of how thought can be manifested in creative action, which itself then produces a new object for critical reflection. It is a true blend of theory and practice; an attempt to embed the university in the broader social world while similarly urging museums to speak directly to the societies about which they teach. The project thus proposes both a new form of research and a new take on the presentation of academic knowledge. Thinking through the museum becomes as promised not only a critical view of the institution, but also a meditation on society, its rules, and the identities of its inhabitants.

Iwona Kurz, University of Warsaw


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Okładka: -

Ilość stron: 196

Rok wydania: 2023

Rozmiar: 158 x 235 mm

ID: 9788323351672

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