Książka - More! 3 Audio 3CD


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More! 3 Audio 3CD

More! 3 Audio 3CD


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MORE! is a four-level course from a highly respected author team that's bursting with features for lower secondary students. Each level of MORE! contains 80-90 hours of class material. Key language for each unit is introduced in a photostory and put to use through the 'Language Focus'. There is thorough coverage of grammar via a dedicated secion in each unit. The 'Learn MORE through English' pages introduce cross-curricular learning (CLIL) while the 'Learn MORE about Culture' sections explore English speaking countries. Students learn to 'Read MORE for pleasure' with the extra reading pages and the CD-ROM enables students to practise vocabulary, grammar and skills.

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MORE! is a four-level course from a highly respected author team that's bursting with features for lower secondary students. Each level of MORE! contains 80-90 hours of class material. Key language for each unit is introduced in a photostory and put to use through the 'Language Focus'. There is thorough coverage of grammar via a dedicated secion in each unit. The 'Learn MORE through English' pages introduce cross-curricular learning (CLIL) while the 'Learn MORE about Culture' sections explore English speaking countries. Students learn to 'Read MORE for pleasure' with the extra reading pages and the CD-ROM enables students to practise vocabulary, grammar and skills.


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Okładka: Plastikowa

Rok wydania: 2016

ID: 9781107663541

Autorzy: Jeff Stranks

Inne książki: Jeff Stranks

Miękka , W magazynie
Używana Wyprzedaż

Taniej o 10.31 zł 0.00 zł

Puchta Herbert, Stranks Jeff
Miękka , W magazynie
Puchta Herbert, Stranks Jeff, Lewis-Jones Peter
Miękka , W magazynie
Używana Wyprzedaż

Taniej o 64.62 zł 0.00 zł

John Kennedy Toole
Plastikowa , W magazynie
Puchta Herbert, Stranks Jeff
Miękka , W magazynie
Miękka , W magazynie
Używana Wyprzedaż

Taniej o 82.01 zł 0.00 zł

Inne książki: Pozostałe książki

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