Książka - Mighty Movers. Audio CD


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Mighty Movers. Audio CD

Mighty Movers. Audio CD


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Mighty Movers is the second level in the Delta Publishing Young Learners English course.
It is based on the new, revised 2007 Cambridge Young Learners Movers Test and is an ideal course for children preparing for that Test.
Mighty Movers is an activity-based course and can also be used with any young learners in the 8-10 age range.
It provides 10 topics as covered by the Cambridge Young Learners Movers Test
It contains vocabulary and structures listed in the Movers syllabus
It provides listening and speaking dialogues which are similar to those in the Test using role play and communicative activities.
It contains a wide variety of motivating activities to practise all four skills, with reading and writing activities introduced in natural progression
It contains a variety of language practice activities, using practical ideas including stories with cut-outs and songs
It practises all test paper types
It includes a full sample Movers Test
It makes learning English and preparing for the test fun!
The Pupil's Book provides a variety of activities which cover the key language of the topics within the Cambridge Movers Test.

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Mighty Movers is the second level in the Delta Publishing Young Learners English course.
It is based on the new, revised 2007 Cambridge Young Learners Movers Test and is an ideal course for children preparing for that Test.
Mighty Movers is an activity-based course and can also be used with any young learners in the 8-10 age range.
It provides 10 topics as covered by the Cambridge Young Learners Movers Test
It contains vocabulary and structures listed in the Movers syllabus
It provides listening and speaking dialogues which are similar to those in the Test using role play and communicative activities.
It contains a wide variety of motivating activities to practise all four skills, with reading and writing activities introduced in natural progression
It contains a variety of language practice activities, using practical ideas including stories with cut-outs and songs
It practises all test paper types
It includes a full sample Movers Test
It makes learning English and preparing for the test fun!
The Pupil's Book provides a variety of activities which cover the key language of the topics within the Cambridge Movers Test.


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Okładka: -

Rok wydania: 2017

Rozmiar: 125 x 142 mm

ID: 9783125013803

Wydawnictwo: Delta Publishing

Inne książki: Wendy Superfine

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