Książka - Five Children and It


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Five Children and It

Five Children and It


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The creature's eyes protruded on long stalks like a snail's, its ears were reminiscent of a bat's, and its rounded body, resembling that of a spider, was enveloped in thick, soft fur. Its limbs were like those of a monkey. This peculiar being was the Psammead, a crotchety sand-fairy with the remarkable ability to grant one wish per day, provided it was in the right mood. When a group of five children befriends the Psammead, they quickly learn that every wish carries unexpected consequences. Their golden guineas prove too challenging to spend, the wings they acquire let them down at inconvenient times, and wishing for Red Indians brings unforeseen trouble as they overlook their occasionally combative nature.

This enchanting tale, filled with magic and unexpected twists, has captured the hearts of countless children over the years. It's a classic work from the renowned author of "The Railway Children," whose stories continue to kindle the imaginations of young readers.

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The creature's eyes protruded on long stalks like a snail's, its ears were reminiscent of a bat's, and its rounded body, resembling that of a spider, was enveloped in thick, soft fur. Its limbs were like those of a monkey. This peculiar being was the Psammead, a crotchety sand-fairy with the remarkable ability to grant one wish per day, provided it was in the right mood. When a group of five children befriends the Psammead, they quickly learn that every wish carries unexpected consequences. Their golden guineas prove too challenging to spend, the wings they acquire let them down at inconvenient times, and wishing for Red Indians brings unforeseen trouble as they overlook their occasionally combative nature.

This enchanting tale, filled with magic and unexpected twists, has captured the hearts of countless children over the years. It's a classic work from the renowned author of "The Railway Children," whose stories continue to kindle the imaginations of young readers.



Książki autora


Dla Ciebie

Książki z kategorii

Dostawa i płatność


Cena: 9.34 zł

Okładka: Miękka

Ilość stron: 192

Rok wydania: 1993

Rozmiar: 125 x 195 mm

ID: 9781853261244

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Inne książki: Nauka języków

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