Książka - English File. 3rd edition. Pre-Intermediate. Class CD


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English File. 3rd edition. Pre-Intermediate. Class CD

English File. 3rd edition. Pre-Intermediate. Class CD


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This set of 5 Class Audio CDs contains all the audio material for the listening activities in the English File Third Edition Pre-Intermediate Student's Book.
Clear and comprehensible speakers with a wide range of voices and accents from the UK and the rest of the English-speaking world expose students to real English. The short, accessible texts and conversations, entertaining and realistic situations and helpful sound effects build confidence.
5 CDs contain all the listening materials for the English File Third Edition Pre-Intermediate Student's Book
Clear and comprehensible speakers with a wide range of voices and accents from the UK and the rest of the English-speaking world expose students to real English
Sound effects bring the listenings alive, and make the recordings easier for students to follow and more fun to listen to
Listening tasks focus on helping students to get the gist the first time and then be able to understand more the second time - building their confidence
Short street interviews with people in the UK and USA provide exposure to authentic, unscripted English
Listenings are based on a variety of entertaining and realistic situations to motivate and engage students at this level
The CDs provide around five or six hours of audio, exposing students to as much aural English as possible

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This set of 5 Class Audio CDs contains all the audio material for the listening activities in the English File Third Edition Pre-Intermediate Student's Book.
Clear and comprehensible speakers with a wide range of voices and accents from the UK and the rest of the English-speaking world expose students to real English. The short, accessible texts and conversations, entertaining and realistic situations and helpful sound effects build confidence.
5 CDs contain all the listening materials for the English File Third Edition Pre-Intermediate Student's Book
Clear and comprehensible speakers with a wide range of voices and accents from the UK and the rest of the English-speaking world expose students to real English
Sound effects bring the listenings alive, and make the recordings easier for students to follow and more fun to listen to
Listening tasks focus on helping students to get the gist the first time and then be able to understand more the second time - building their confidence
Short street interviews with people in the UK and USA provide exposure to authentic, unscripted English
Listenings are based on a variety of entertaining and realistic situations to motivate and engage students at this level
The CDs provide around five or six hours of audio, exposing students to as much aural English as possible


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Okładka: -

Rok wydania: 2016

Rozmiar: 12 x 14 mm

ID: 9780194598590

Inne książki: Clive Oxenden

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