Książka - Dubliners (Vintage Classics Library)


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Dubliners (Vintage Classics Library)

Dubliners (Vintage Classics Library)


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In this powerfully influential series of short stories, James Joyce captures uneasy souls, shabby lives and innocent minds in the dark streets and homes of his native city. In doing so, he conjures uncertainties and desires, illumines moments of joy and sorrow otherwise lost in private memory, and pierces the many mysteries at the heart of things.

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In this powerfully influential series of short stories, James Joyce captures uneasy souls, shabby lives and innocent minds in the dark streets and homes of his native city. In doing so, he conjures uncertainties and desires, illumines moments of joy and sorrow otherwise lost in private memory, and pierces the many mysteries at the heart of things.



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Cena: 9.75 zł

Okładka: Miękka

Ilość stron: 244

Rok wydania: 2020

Rozmiar: 11 x 18 mm

ID: 9781784872793

Autorzy: James Joyce

Wydawnictwo: Vintage

Inne książki: James Joyce

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Dodana przez Mateusz T w dniu 10.07.2024
ikona zweryfikowanego zakupu Opinia użytkownika sklepu
<p>James Joyce's "Dubliners" stands as a testament to the author's profound connection to his native city, even as he lived abroad. Within its pages, Joyce immortalizes Dublin, capturing its essence through a diverse cast of characters and a tapestry of interconnected stories. Set against the backdrop of early 20th-century Dublin, "Dubliners" delves into the lives of various individuals who inhabit the city. Joyce paints a vivid portrait of Dublin society, showcasing its truants, seducers, gossips, and politicians, among others. Each story offers a glimpse into the complexities of human nature and the intricacies of everyday life.&nbsp;</p><p>One of the remarkable aspects of "Dubliners" is its ability to encapsulate the essence of Dublin while transcending geographical boundaries. Despite Joyce's expatriate status, he remains deeply rooted in his homeland, portraying Dublin with unwavering honesty and insight. Through his keen observations and masterful storytelling, Joyce challenges conventional narratives and exposes the undercurrents of Irish society. The characters in "Dubliners" are both ordinary and extraordinary, each carrying their own burdens and aspirations. From struggling musicians to disillusioned priests, Joyce imbues his characters with depth and complexity, allowing readers to empathize with their joys and sorrows. As the stories unfold, themes of alienation, longing, and disillusionment emerge, reflecting the broader human experience. Joyce's writing style in "Dubliners" is characterized by its precision and clarity. He employs rich imagery and evocative language to bring the streets of Dublin to life, immersing readers in its sights, sounds, and smells. His prose is both elegant and accessible, inviting readers to explore the intricacies of Dublin and its inhabitants. What sets "Dubliners" apart is its unflinching portrayal of Dublin and its people. Joyce does not shy away from depicting the harsh realities of life, nor does he romanticize the city. Instead, he presents Dublin in all its complexity, inviting readers to confront its contradictions and complexities.</p><p>"Dubliners" has garnered widespread acclaim from both critics and readers alike. Joyce's masterful storytelling and profound insights into human nature have earned him a place among the literary greats. His ability to capture the essence of Dublin and its inhabitants has cemented "Dubliners" as a timeless classic of modern literature. In conclusion, "Dubliners" is a captivating exploration of Dublin and its inhabitants, brought to life by James Joyce's unparalleled talent and insight. With its richly drawn characters, evocative prose, and profound themes, "Dubliners" continues to resonate with readers around the world. Whether you're a fan of literary fiction or simply seeking a deeper understanding of the human condition, "Dubliners" is sure to leave a lasting impression.</p><p><strong>Recommendation:</strong> For readers who appreciate richly drawn characters, evocative prose, and insightful storytelling, "Dubliners" is a must-read. Whether you're a seasoned literary enthusiast or just beginning to explore the works of James Joyce, "Dubliners" offers a captivating journey into the heart of Dublin and the human experience.</p>
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