Książka - Border Conflicts in the Contemporary World


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Border Conflicts in the Contemporary World

Border Conflicts in the Contemporary World


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Border conflicts and territorial claims are inscribed into the history of almost every state, they have been and continue to be the most frequent cause of interstate conflict and the most common trigger for war. This book demonstrates that this problem still exists and continues to be relevant despite liberal buzzwords and notions such as the borderless world. (...) The fusion of two perceptions on border conflict one geographic, the other deriving from international relations indicates the differences and similarities between them as well as a certain degree of convergence between the two areas in identifying pathways to conflict resolution in the borderlands. (...)
excerpt from the introduction

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Border conflicts and territorial claims are inscribed into the history of almost every state, they have been and continue to be the most frequent cause of interstate conflict and the most common trigger for war. This book demonstrates that this problem still exists and continues to be relevant despite liberal buzzwords and notions such as the borderless world. (...) The fusion of two perceptions on border conflict one geographic, the other deriving from international relations indicates the differences and similarities between them as well as a certain degree of convergence between the two areas in identifying pathways to conflict resolution in the borderlands. (...)
excerpt from the introduction


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Okładka: -

Ilość stron: 346

Rok wydania: 2014

Rozmiar: 17 x 24 mm

ID: 9788377844892

Wydawnictwo: UMCS

Inne książki: Wojciech Janicki

Twarda , 72h wysyłka
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Taniej o 25.27 zł 49.08 zł

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Broszurowa , 72h wysyłka
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