Książka - Biochemistry Laboratory


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Biochemistry Laboratory

Biochemistry Laboratory


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The book is a collection of laboratory manuals for the "Biochemistry integrated with chemistry" course for students of Medicine and Dentistry of the School of Medicine in English Jagiellonian University Medical College. Laboratory exercises cover basic techniques used in biochemical laboratories. Observation of the processes and interpretation of the results help students to better understand the topics discussed throughout trie Biochemistry course. Presented laboratory exercises cover selected topics in general and organic chernistry, biochemistry of proteins and nucleic acids, enzymology, metabolic processes and molecular biology. Apart from basic laboratory techniques students learn about contemporary research methods including gene expression analysis and cytotoxicity determination, and learn how to use internet databases as a source of information about genes and proteins.
The first part contains laboratory manuals, each preceded by a short introduction: and a list of required theoretical topics. The second part is a set of the forms for the laboratory reports.

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The book is a collection of laboratory manuals for the "Biochemistry integrated with chemistry" course for students of Medicine and Dentistry of the School of Medicine in English Jagiellonian University Medical College. Laboratory exercises cover basic techniques used in biochemical laboratories. Observation of the processes and interpretation of the results help students to better understand the topics discussed throughout trie Biochemistry course. Presented laboratory exercises cover selected topics in general and organic chernistry, biochemistry of proteins and nucleic acids, enzymology, metabolic processes and molecular biology. Apart from basic laboratory techniques students learn about contemporary research methods including gene expression analysis and cytotoxicity determination, and learn how to use internet databases as a source of information about genes and proteins.
The first part contains laboratory manuals, each preceded by a short introduction: and a list of required theoretical topics. The second part is a set of the forms for the laboratory reports.


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Okładka: Miękka

Ilość stron: 200

Rok wydania: 2019

Rozmiar: 17 x 24 mm

ID: 9788323345817

Inne książki: Piotr Laidler

Inne książki: Inne

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