Książka - Explore Treetops 2. Zeszyt ćwiczeń. Szkoła podstawowa


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Explore Treetops 2. Zeszyt ćwiczeń. Szkoła podstawowa

Explore Treetops 2. Zeszyt ćwiczeń. Szkoła podstawowa


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Discover the world in English! Explore Treetops is a comprehensive three-level English course designed for the first stage of education. It aligns perfectly with the educational standards outlined in the official curriculum. This course not only adheres to the new program requirements but also caters specifically to the needs of first graders aged seven. It offers a variety of tasks that enhance reading and writing skills while seamlessly blending the real world with the realm of fantasy. Additionally, Explore Treetops presents engaging content about Anglo-Saxon cultures.

This course stimulates creativity and actively involves children in exploring the world through engaging projects that link classroom activities with global knowledge. Interdisciplinary lessons promote integrated subject-language teaching and encourage developing a habit of reading for pleasure. Furthermore, it aims to nurture social skills and attitudes among young learners.

Explore Treetops ensures a high level of comfort in teaching and learning with its clear material layout, visually appealing design, and engaging stories featuring delightful characters. The course guarantees balanced development in all areas of language skills.

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29.28 zł


Cena rynkowa: BRAK
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Dostępna ilość 3

Uwaga została 1 szt.

Posiadamy 3 szt.

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Discover the world in English! Explore Treetops is a comprehensive three-level English course designed for the first stage of education. It aligns perfectly with the educational standards outlined in the official curriculum. This course not only adheres to the new program requirements but also caters specifically to the needs of first graders aged seven. It offers a variety of tasks that enhance reading and writing skills while seamlessly blending the real world with the realm of fantasy. Additionally, Explore Treetops presents engaging content about Anglo-Saxon cultures.

This course stimulates creativity and actively involves children in exploring the world through engaging projects that link classroom activities with global knowledge. Interdisciplinary lessons promote integrated subject-language teaching and encourage developing a habit of reading for pleasure. Furthermore, it aims to nurture social skills and attitudes among young learners.

Explore Treetops ensures a high level of comfort in teaching and learning with its clear material layout, visually appealing design, and engaging stories featuring delightful characters. The course guarantees balanced development in all areas of language skills.



Książki autora


Dla Ciebie

Książki z kategorii

Dostawa i płatność


Cena: 29.28 zł

Okładka: Miękka

Ilość stron: 80

Rok wydania: 2018

Rozmiar: 21 x 28 mm

ID: 9780194617123

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Inne książki: Język angielski

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