Książka - To jest nasze miejsce


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To jest nasze miejsce

To jest nasze miejsce


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This isn't your typical love story. If you were expecting a tale where two people fall head over heels for each other and live happily ever after, prepare to be surprised. While you might spot traces of romance, the true focus is a house, its diverse inhabitants, and a series of discoveries, encounters, disappointments, and farewells. Plus, there's an endearing three-legged dog named Keanu Reeves.

The narrative begins on January 1, 2000, when Ana, a seventeen-year-old girl, receives unexpected news from her father: their family is relocating due to his job. Although the Y2K bug was a no-show, Ana feels her world crumbling. She faces leaving her home, her city, and her secret girlfriend.

Fast forward to January 2010. Sixteen-year-old Greg is sent by his divorcing parents to stay with his aunt for a while. It's there, helping her manage a dwindling video rental store, that Greg meets an audacious dog and an intriguing local boy.

By April 2021, Beto, who graduated high school three years earlier, still resides in his hometown, even more so now with the pandemic complicating life. The dream of moving to Sao Paulo, pursuing a photography career, and meeting a kindred spirit face-to-face lingers without resolution.

Yes, love weaves its way into these stories too.

Set against the backdrop of a unique house in a Brazilian town, this narrative intertwines family conflicts and three queer teenagers navigating unexpected events. The author of "15 Days is Forever" presents us with a heartwarming and humorous exploration.

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40.35 zł


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15.08 zł

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Taniej o 29.82 złCena rynkowa: 44.90 zł
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Dostępna ilość 52

Uwaga została 1 szt.

Posiadamy 52 szt.

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This isn't your typical love story. If you were expecting a tale where two people fall head over heels for each other and live happily ever after, prepare to be surprised. While you might spot traces of romance, the true focus is a house, its diverse inhabitants, and a series of discoveries, encounters, disappointments, and farewells. Plus, there's an endearing three-legged dog named Keanu Reeves.

The narrative begins on January 1, 2000, when Ana, a seventeen-year-old girl, receives unexpected news from her father: their family is relocating due to his job. Although the Y2K bug was a no-show, Ana feels her world crumbling. She faces leaving her home, her city, and her secret girlfriend.

Fast forward to January 2010. Sixteen-year-old Greg is sent by his divorcing parents to stay with his aunt for a while. It's there, helping her manage a dwindling video rental store, that Greg meets an audacious dog and an intriguing local boy.

By April 2021, Beto, who graduated high school three years earlier, still resides in his hometown, even more so now with the pandemic complicating life. The dream of moving to Sao Paulo, pursuing a photography career, and meeting a kindred spirit face-to-face lingers without resolution.

Yes, love weaves its way into these stories too.

Set against the backdrop of a unique house in a Brazilian town, this narrative intertwines family conflicts and three queer teenagers navigating unexpected events. The author of "15 Days is Forever" presents us with a heartwarming and humorous exploration.



Książki autora


Dla Ciebie

Książki z kategorii

Dostawa i płatność


Cena: 40.35 zł

Okładka: Miękka

Ilość stron: 320

Rok wydania: 2024

Rozmiar: 1 x 2 mm

ID: 9788328730663

Autorzy: Vitor Martins

Wydawnictwo: You&YA, You and YA, You&YA

Inne książki: Vitor Martins

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