Książka - The Story of Arthur Truluv w.ukraińska


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The Story of Arthur Truluv w.ukraińska

The Story of Arthur Truluv w.ukraińska


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Arthur Moses visits her grave daily for six months after his wife's death. He usually has a silent lunch at the cemetery and returns home, but one spring day he is met with an unexpected meeting. Maddie Harris is alone everywhere, but not in the cemetery - it's quiet here and you can forget about your own problems, and the girl has a lot of them. Maddie grows up without a mother, she has a difficult relationship with her father, she has almost no friends, and here the guy left her at a difficult time. She calls her new acquaintance Trulav "true love", and he calls her Sunshine like a father. And Maddie has no idea what role Arthur plays in her life and in the fate of his lonely old neighbor Lucille, who loves to make homemade cakes. It is from the meeting of these heroes that the story of true devotional friendship and mutual support will begin, which can sometimes be obtained from the average stranger.

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Arthur Moses visits her grave daily for six months after his wife's death. He usually has a silent lunch at the cemetery and returns home, but one spring day he is met with an unexpected meeting. Maddie Harris is alone everywhere, but not in the cemetery - it's quiet here and you can forget about your own problems, and the girl has a lot of them. Maddie grows up without a mother, she has a difficult relationship with her father, she has almost no friends, and here the guy left her at a difficult time. She calls her new acquaintance Trulav "true love", and he calls her Sunshine like a father. And Maddie has no idea what role Arthur plays in her life and in the fate of his lonely old neighbor Lucille, who loves to make homemade cakes. It is from the meeting of these heroes that the story of true devotional friendship and mutual support will begin, which can sometimes be obtained from the average stranger.


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Okładka: -

Ilość stron: 208

Rok wydania: 2021

Rozmiar: 135 x 205 mm

ID: 9789669822826

Autorzy: Elizabeth Berg

Wydawnictwo: Vivat

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