Książka - Soul to Mind. Messages from my Soul


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Soul to Mind. Messages from my Soul

Soul to Mind. Messages from my Soul


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We are excited to present you with this extraordinary book. "Soul to Mind: Messages from my Soul" is the first guide in Poland - and possibly the world - that teaches the art of communication with the soul, dictated by the soul itself.

The books author fulfils the role of a translator who has the ability to understand the words of her soul. Personally she had never before been interested in spiritual development and she had not read any books on the topic. She is also not appropriately educated so as to easily understand the issues undertaken here. When writing this book, she did not know the teachings of any spiritual instructors, or even their names. She wrote quickly, as if in a trance, often not understanding what she was writing, sometimes crying.

After writing down the "Messages", she was astonished to discover that this type of knowledge is accessible to people.

The phenomenon of "Soul to Mind" is in the spontaneous writing as dictated by the authors own soul.

Izabela Margańska, as she herself emphasises, never wished to write a book, she had no intention of ever speaking to her soul and she was not even especially interested in its existence. She refers to herself as a normal person with a "chatty soul".

In order to emphasise the dialogue between the person and the soul, we have used two types of font in the book. The words written in italics are the thoughts of the person, who is telling her story. The souls messages are presented in regular font. The souls words are ordinary and simple although not always straightforward, sometimes even shocking, but undoubtedly moving that delicate cord within us that urges us to keep on reading and doesnt let us put the book down.

We leave it up to the reader to decide on whether or not to make use of the advice contained here.

One thing is certain - we were unable to ignore the knowledge conveyed to us directly from the soul. We have no doubt that the soul could become something along the lines of an internal compass on the life path of each one of us, that we can learn to use.

Since starting to work on this book we are convinced that "Soul to Mind" is a must-read for those searching for pointers in this ever-changing and chaotic world.

Joanna Malinowska

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We are excited to present you with this extraordinary book. "Soul to Mind: Messages from my Soul" is the first guide in Poland - and possibly the world - that teaches the art of communication with the soul, dictated by the soul itself.

The books author fulfils the role of a translator who has the ability to understand the words of her soul. Personally she had never before been interested in spiritual development and she had not read any books on the topic. She is also not appropriately educated so as to easily understand the issues undertaken here. When writing this book, she did not know the teachings of any spiritual instructors, or even their names. She wrote quickly, as if in a trance, often not understanding what she was writing, sometimes crying.

After writing down the "Messages", she was astonished to discover that this type of knowledge is accessible to people.

The phenomenon of "Soul to Mind" is in the spontaneous writing as dictated by the authors own soul.

Izabela Margańska, as she herself emphasises, never wished to write a book, she had no intention of ever speaking to her soul and she was not even especially interested in its existence. She refers to herself as a normal person with a "chatty soul".

In order to emphasise the dialogue between the person and the soul, we have used two types of font in the book. The words written in italics are the thoughts of the person, who is telling her story. The souls messages are presented in regular font. The souls words are ordinary and simple although not always straightforward, sometimes even shocking, but undoubtedly moving that delicate cord within us that urges us to keep on reading and doesnt let us put the book down.

We leave it up to the reader to decide on whether or not to make use of the advice contained here.

One thing is certain - we were unable to ignore the knowledge conveyed to us directly from the soul. We have no doubt that the soul could become something along the lines of an internal compass on the life path of each one of us, that we can learn to use.

Since starting to work on this book we are convinced that "Soul to Mind" is a must-read for those searching for pointers in this ever-changing and chaotic world.

Joanna Malinowska


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Okładka: -

Ilość stron: 160

Rok wydania: 2016

Rozmiar: 132 x 212 mm

ID: 9788394419622

Wydawnictwo: E-Bookowo , New Communication

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