Książka - Horrifikland. Przerażająca przygoda. Myszka Miki


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Horrifikland. Przerażająca przygoda. Myszka Miki

Horrifikland. Przerażająca przygoda. Myszka Miki


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Disney's Mickey Mouse reveals an array of personas beyond the humorous side he's famed for in the comics of Myszogród. In a fascinating collection by renowned European creators, Mickey steps into roles like detective, explorer of ancient civilizations, and even a master... of ropemaking! Embark on unforgettable journeys with this beloved character.

Mickey, alongside Goofy and Donald, establishes a detective agency, but with a lack of clients, they eagerly accept a mysterious task: finding a lost cat. Their search leads them to Horrifikland, an eerie, abandoned amusement park where the cat once played. Here, they are swept into a whirlwind of adventures—battling villains, foiling nefarious plots, navigating mysterious underground tunnels, escaping from spiders, and facing off with ghosts. Will these amateur detectives unravel the secrets of this spine-chilling park?

The album's thrilling narrative is crafted by renowned French creator Lewis Trondheim (real name Laurent Chabosy), a recipient of multiple European and American awards, including the prestigious Grand Prix at the Angoulême International Comics Festival. Trondheim is known for a diverse array of series and graphic novels such as Wyspa Burbonów, Ralph Azham, and A.L.I.E.E.N. The captivating illustrations in Horrifikland are brought to life by artist Alexis Nesme, acclaimed for his original series Les enfants du Capitaine Grant and Grabouillon, as well as his illustrations in popular children's books, including the beloved Marysia series.

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Disney's Mickey Mouse reveals an array of personas beyond the humorous side he's famed for in the comics of Myszogród. In a fascinating collection by renowned European creators, Mickey steps into roles like detective, explorer of ancient civilizations, and even a master... of ropemaking! Embark on unforgettable journeys with this beloved character.

Mickey, alongside Goofy and Donald, establishes a detective agency, but with a lack of clients, they eagerly accept a mysterious task: finding a lost cat. Their search leads them to Horrifikland, an eerie, abandoned amusement park where the cat once played. Here, they are swept into a whirlwind of adventures—battling villains, foiling nefarious plots, navigating mysterious underground tunnels, escaping from spiders, and facing off with ghosts. Will these amateur detectives unravel the secrets of this spine-chilling park?

The album's thrilling narrative is crafted by renowned French creator Lewis Trondheim (real name Laurent Chabosy), a recipient of multiple European and American awards, including the prestigious Grand Prix at the Angoulême International Comics Festival. Trondheim is known for a diverse array of series and graphic novels such as Wyspa Burbonów, Ralph Azham, and A.L.I.E.E.N. The captivating illustrations in Horrifikland are brought to life by artist Alexis Nesme, acclaimed for his original series Les enfants du Capitaine Grant and Grabouillon, as well as his illustrations in popular children's books, including the beloved Marysia series.



Książki autora


Dla Ciebie

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Dostawa i płatność


Cena: 31.18 zł

Okładka: Twarda

Ilość stron: 48

Rok wydania: 2021

Rozmiar: 215 x 285 mm

ID: 9788328149632

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