Książka - Homosexuality? Stop!


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Homosexuality? Stop!

Homosexuality? Stop!


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In this book, in the process leading to judgment of homosexuality as sinful behaviour we will achieve only one possible verdict, which clearly condemns homosexuality in churches as approved and acceptable behaviour and lifestyle. The verdict is not dictated by prejudice of homosexuals and related deviants or targeted by hate or by any emotion. The verdict is dictated by obedience to God and acceptance of His Word as the infallible and true source of our morality, conduct and determinant of the Christian lifestyle. Also, this book is not intended to serve as a platform to debate whether sexual deviations, including homosexuality are sins or not, because according to the Holy Scriptures they are. Also we are not intending in this book to justify the Word of God, because it is not on trial here. The task of this book is to explain why the Church of Jesus Christ refutes claims of sexual perversion advocates, who say that according to God and His Word homosexuality is not a sin and consistently promote affirmation of homosexuality in the church.

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In this book, in the process leading to judgment of homosexuality as sinful behaviour we will achieve only one possible verdict, which clearly condemns homosexuality in churches as approved and acceptable behaviour and lifestyle. The verdict is not dictated by prejudice of homosexuals and related deviants or targeted by hate or by any emotion. The verdict is dictated by obedience to God and acceptance of His Word as the infallible and true source of our morality, conduct and determinant of the Christian lifestyle. Also, this book is not intended to serve as a platform to debate whether sexual deviations, including homosexuality are sins or not, because according to the Holy Scriptures they are. Also we are not intending in this book to justify the Word of God, because it is not on trial here. The task of this book is to explain why the Church of Jesus Christ refutes claims of sexual perversion advocates, who say that according to God and His Word homosexuality is not a sin and consistently promote affirmation of homosexuality in the church.


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Okładka: -

Ilość stron: 180

Rok wydania: 2016

Rozmiar: 152 x 230 mm

ID: 9788379780624

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