Książka - Europe. Discourses from the Frontier


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Europe. Discourses from the Frontier

Europe. Discourses from the Frontier


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Etymologically, frontier can be related to in front of that which lies ahead, between the subject and his or her horizon. Therefore everywhere outside the Self, and as far as the individual world-version stretches, is the frontier, which thus forms an essential part of Self-identification. Whereas territory is about spatial identity, and territorial space is defined, bounded by boundaries, the frontier can be seen as an indeterminate, open space. I have introduced the German term Fremde as translation of frontier as a means of analysing the relationship between Self and the Other. The frontier in this sense is outside one's own personal space, but nevertheless located within a familiar horizon otherwise it could not be recognised as such, and could not serve as a parameter of belonging (Ullrich Kockel, this volume)
The volume is a set of interesting studies that are aptly collected under the volume's title, being especially accurately captured by the concept of frontier whose meaning is richer than the Polish term granica. Also, the other of the terms featuring in the title, namely discourse rightly serves to indicate the theoretical perspective and area that the chapters in the volume deal with. Frontier, as intended by the editor, is to signify not only borderlines in their territorial understanding, or borderlands, but also mental states of people who have been [...] confronted spatially or culturally with Others. Therefore, the volume's problematic includes issues [...] such as migration, neighbourhood and ethnic minorities. The remaining chapters produce interesting analyses of various factors in the result of which such social situations generate the frontier experience, meaning a kind of a barrier or resistance that trigger yet other social processes (from prof. dr hab. Józef Niżnik's review)

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Etymologically, frontier can be related to in front of that which lies ahead, between the subject and his or her horizon. Therefore everywhere outside the Self, and as far as the individual world-version stretches, is the frontier, which thus forms an essential part of Self-identification. Whereas territory is about spatial identity, and territorial space is defined, bounded by boundaries, the frontier can be seen as an indeterminate, open space. I have introduced the German term Fremde as translation of frontier as a means of analysing the relationship between Self and the Other. The frontier in this sense is outside one's own personal space, but nevertheless located within a familiar horizon otherwise it could not be recognised as such, and could not serve as a parameter of belonging (Ullrich Kockel, this volume)
The volume is a set of interesting studies that are aptly collected under the volume's title, being especially accurately captured by the concept of frontier whose meaning is richer than the Polish term granica. Also, the other of the terms featuring in the title, namely discourse rightly serves to indicate the theoretical perspective and area that the chapters in the volume deal with. Frontier, as intended by the editor, is to signify not only borderlines in their territorial understanding, or borderlands, but also mental states of people who have been [...] confronted spatially or culturally with Others. Therefore, the volume's problematic includes issues [...] such as migration, neighbourhood and ethnic minorities. The remaining chapters produce interesting analyses of various factors in the result of which such social situations generate the frontier experience, meaning a kind of a barrier or resistance that trigger yet other social processes (from prof. dr hab. Józef Niżnik's review)


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Okładka: Twarda

Ilość stron: 218

Rok wydania: 2011

Rozmiar: 135 x 215 mm

ID: 9788377370056

Wydawnictwo: Oficyna Naukowa

Inne książki: Anna Gąsior-Niemiec

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