Książka - Creative teacher's handbook


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Creative teacher's handbook

Creative teacher's handbook


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The book is a popular lecture on basic issues in the of the psychology of creativity and the didactics of creativity. This is because it contains a prophetic description of almost all the important issues for these disciplines, arranged in a three-part whole - from the definitions of creativity and theoretical foundations (Parts 1 and 2), to exercises stimulating the development of creative abilities (parts 3 and 4). The authors present in a clear manner the most important issues of the psychology of creativity: creative processes, the properties of a creative product of creativity, characteristics of creative personality and external conditions of developing creativity/creativity. (...) What is most valuable and interesting is the description of the author's conception of the goals of education for creativity (Chapter III), contrasting with well-known taxonomies of didactics, such as B. Bloom's. A significant part of the book is a kind of manual of techniques for developing specific creative abilities and skills (part 2-4), which is an application of theory to educational practice.

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The book is a popular lecture on basic issues in the of the psychology of creativity and the didactics of creativity. This is because it contains a prophetic description of almost all the important issues for these disciplines, arranged in a three-part whole - from the definitions of creativity and theoretical foundations (Parts 1 and 2), to exercises stimulating the development of creative abilities (parts 3 and 4). The authors present in a clear manner the most important issues of the psychology of creativity: creative processes, the properties of a creative product of creativity, characteristics of creative personality and external conditions of developing creativity/creativity. (...) What is most valuable and interesting is the description of the author's conception of the goals of education for creativity (Chapter III), contrasting with well-known taxonomies of didactics, such as B. Bloom's. A significant part of the book is a kind of manual of techniques for developing specific creative abilities and skills (part 2-4), which is an application of theory to educational practice.


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Okładka: -

Ilość stron: 178

Rok wydania: 2023

Rozmiar: 130 x 190 mm

ID: 9788377207659

Wydawnictwo: Petrus

Inne książki: Krzysztof Piotrowski

Inne książki: Pozostałe książki

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