Książka - Białe i czarne duchy


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Białe i czarne duchy

Białe i czarne duchy


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"White and Black Ghosts" is another gripping work by Jan Łada, the renowned author behind the historical novel "In the Haunted Castle," a prelude to Sienkiewicz's Trilogy, infused with fantasy elements. This anthology comprises three pieces: a novel sharing the same title, set in 1921, where a group of individuals, mourning loved ones lost to war, attempts to reconnect with them through spiritual séances. Alongside, there's a novella titled "Lucifer" and a short story named "The Last Mass."

In "White and Black Ghosts," the passionate spiritualist and hypnotist Żarnowicz gathers a group of people on his séances for whom the supernatural realm offers the only escape from their grim reality. Included in this circle are characters like the Marshal's wife, Stężyńska, who lost her only son in the war with the Russians, and the grief-stricken elder Oświeyka, representing those disinherited and ravaged by World War I. In this rather unstable milieu, the only seemingly balanced figure is young Oświeyko, a valiant naval lieutenant deeply in love with Jadwiga. Unfortunately, both the devil and the enamored hypnotist Żarnowicz have their eyes set on her. The narrative unfolds around the battle for Jadwiga's soul and heart.

The novella "Lucifer" explores the life of a priest who abandons his clerical duties, surrendering to art and the allure of Lucifer. The author leaves it ambiguous whether the crisis of faith led the protagonist to art or art prompted the abandonment of priesthood and faith.

The anthology concludes with "The Last Mass," recounting the closing of a monastery by the Tsarist authorities. As ever, Łada is fascinated by the eternal struggle between good and evil. While evil may wield power, it cannot conquer the strength of goodness or instill fear to subjugate its victims. Łada seamlessly weaves dread with hope, creating a narrative that both chills and uplifts.

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"White and Black Ghosts" is another gripping work by Jan Łada, the renowned author behind the historical novel "In the Haunted Castle," a prelude to Sienkiewicz's Trilogy, infused with fantasy elements. This anthology comprises three pieces: a novel sharing the same title, set in 1921, where a group of individuals, mourning loved ones lost to war, attempts to reconnect with them through spiritual séances. Alongside, there's a novella titled "Lucifer" and a short story named "The Last Mass."

In "White and Black Ghosts," the passionate spiritualist and hypnotist Żarnowicz gathers a group of people on his séances for whom the supernatural realm offers the only escape from their grim reality. Included in this circle are characters like the Marshal's wife, Stężyńska, who lost her only son in the war with the Russians, and the grief-stricken elder Oświeyka, representing those disinherited and ravaged by World War I. In this rather unstable milieu, the only seemingly balanced figure is young Oświeyko, a valiant naval lieutenant deeply in love with Jadwiga. Unfortunately, both the devil and the enamored hypnotist Żarnowicz have their eyes set on her. The narrative unfolds around the battle for Jadwiga's soul and heart.

The novella "Lucifer" explores the life of a priest who abandons his clerical duties, surrendering to art and the allure of Lucifer. The author leaves it ambiguous whether the crisis of faith led the protagonist to art or art prompted the abandonment of priesthood and faith.

The anthology concludes with "The Last Mass," recounting the closing of a monastery by the Tsarist authorities. As ever, Łada is fascinated by the eternal struggle between good and evil. While evil may wield power, it cannot conquer the strength of goodness or instill fear to subjugate its victims. Łada seamlessly weaves dread with hope, creating a narrative that both chills and uplifts.



Książki autora


Dla Ciebie

Książki z kategorii

Dostawa i płatność


Cena: 14.33 zł

Okładka: Twarda

Ilość stron: 352

Rok wydania: 2022

Rozmiar: 150 x 230 mm

ID: 9788382025699

Autorzy: Jan Łada

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Książki o duchach

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