Książka - Stefan Czarnowski. Listy do Henri Huberta i Marcela Maussa (1905-1937)


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Stefan Czarnowski. Listy do Henri Huberta i Marcela Maussa (1905-1937)

Stefan Czarnowski. Listy do Henri Huberta i Marcela Maussa (1905-1937)


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Previously undiscovered letters from Stefan Czarnowski to Henri Hubert and Marcel Mauss, spanning the years 1905-1937, offer a unique opportunity to trace the journey of Durkheimian identity across time and space. From pre-war Paris to post-war Warsaw, and from the cosmopolitan era before World War I to the post-Versailles Europe, these letters illuminate a fascinating transformation. More than just documenting the intellectual camaraderie and the evolution of a student into a master, Czarnowski's correspondence invites readers to revisit the history of sociology. It encourages a return to its multidisciplinary origins and a broader understanding of the beginnings of Polish humanities within the international exchange of ideas during the early 20th century.

The discovery of Czarnowski's correspondence with Henri Hubert and Marcel Mauss is a noteworthy event in Polish humanities. According to Professor Marcin Kula, these letters are invaluable resources for the history of culture, thought, and social sciences. Their publication significantly enriches our comprehension of the intellectual life in Europe during the first third of the 20th century, shedding light on the complexities and exchanges that shaped this era.

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Previously undiscovered letters from Stefan Czarnowski to Henri Hubert and Marcel Mauss, spanning the years 1905-1937, offer a unique opportunity to trace the journey of Durkheimian identity across time and space. From pre-war Paris to post-war Warsaw, and from the cosmopolitan era before World War I to the post-Versailles Europe, these letters illuminate a fascinating transformation. More than just documenting the intellectual camaraderie and the evolution of a student into a master, Czarnowski's correspondence invites readers to revisit the history of sociology. It encourages a return to its multidisciplinary origins and a broader understanding of the beginnings of Polish humanities within the international exchange of ideas during the early 20th century.

The discovery of Czarnowski's correspondence with Henri Hubert and Marcel Mauss is a noteworthy event in Polish humanities. According to Professor Marcin Kula, these letters are invaluable resources for the history of culture, thought, and social sciences. Their publication significantly enriches our comprehension of the intellectual life in Europe during the first third of the 20th century, shedding light on the complexities and exchanges that shaped this era.



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Dla Ciebie

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Dostawa i płatność


Cena: 50.24 zł

Okładka: Miękka

Ilość stron: 448

Rok wydania: 2014

Rozmiar: 130 x 210 mm

ID: 9788364363160

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