Książka - Poland Nature and Man


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Poland Nature and Man

Poland Nature and Man


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This book paints a picture of modern Poland by describing its natural environment, economic situation and culture. It is divided into three major parts; the first dealing with aspects of nature and geology, the second with Polish society and the economy, and the third with describing the country's geographic regions. The discussion of the regions is particularly interesting as it introduces the reader to the environment and the culture of the individual parts of Poland and draws attention to places and buildings of interest to the visitor. The book is general in character and intended for a wide audience. It provides various types of information about Poland and introduces the reader to the natural, economic and cultural specificity of the country.

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This book paints a picture of modern Poland by describing its natural environment, economic situation and culture. It is divided into three major parts; the first dealing with aspects of nature and geology, the second with Polish society and the economy, and the third with describing the country's geographic regions. The discussion of the regions is particularly interesting as it introduces the reader to the environment and the culture of the individual parts of Poland and draws attention to places and buildings of interest to the visitor. The book is general in character and intended for a wide audience. It provides various types of information about Poland and introduces the reader to the natural, economic and cultural specificity of the country.


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Okładka: Miękka

Rok wydania: 2019

Rozmiar: 17 x 24 mm

ID: 9788322727287

Wydawnictwo: UMCS

Inne książki: Krystyna Harasimiuk

Miękka , W magazynie
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