Książka - Pies też człowiek czyli wiersze psubrata


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Pies też człowiek czyli wiersze psubrata

Pies też człowiek czyli wiersze psubrata


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These poems are born out of the happiness that pets bring into our lives. They have taught me to see the world with a more expansive view, beyond the hurried and tired eyes that often miss what truly matters. My muses, co-creators, and sources of inspiration include the Irish Setter named Mara and the Persian cat named Sam, both of whom now roam the eternal hunting grounds, as well as a Hovawart with two names, Dróżka-Drużka, with whom I continue to explore the world on six paws. Thus, the narrator in these verses isn’t always me—sometimes the thoughts and feelings come directly from one of Them, allowing the pet to become the "lyrical subject." It is largely because of them that this book came into being. I also owe thanks to the successive Editorial Teams of the magazine "Mój Pies" for motivating me to write "dog poems" and for publishing them from 1997 to 2009, as well as to the loyal readers. As they say, "To speak of a person—faithful as a dog—is a very good opinion..." Marek Majewski

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8.12 zł

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These poems are born out of the happiness that pets bring into our lives. They have taught me to see the world with a more expansive view, beyond the hurried and tired eyes that often miss what truly matters. My muses, co-creators, and sources of inspiration include the Irish Setter named Mara and the Persian cat named Sam, both of whom now roam the eternal hunting grounds, as well as a Hovawart with two names, Dróżka-Drużka, with whom I continue to explore the world on six paws. Thus, the narrator in these verses isn’t always me—sometimes the thoughts and feelings come directly from one of Them, allowing the pet to become the "lyrical subject." It is largely because of them that this book came into being. I also owe thanks to the successive Editorial Teams of the magazine "Mój Pies" for motivating me to write "dog poems" and for publishing them from 1997 to 2009, as well as to the loyal readers. As they say, "To speak of a person—faithful as a dog—is a very good opinion..." Marek Majewski



Książki autora


Dla Ciebie

Książki z kategorii

Dostawa i płatność


Cena: 8.12 zł

Okładka: Miękka

Ilość stron: 118

Rok wydania: 2010

Rozmiar: 125 x 195 mm

ID: 9788375064575

Autorzy: Marek Majewski

Wydawnictwo: Zysk i S-ka, Zysk i S-ka

Inne książki: Marek Majewski

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