Stan książek
Nasze książki są dokładnie sprawdzone i jasno określamy stan każdej z nich.

Książka nowa.

Używany - jak nowa
Niezauważalne lub prawie niezauważalne ślady używania. Książkę ciężko odróżnić od nowej pozycji.

Używany - dobry
Normalne ślady używania wynikające z kartkowania podczas czytania, brak większych uszkodzeń lub zagięć.

Używany - widoczne ślady użytkowania
zagięte rogi, przyniszczona okładka, książka posiada wszystkie strony.
Miejsca Holocaustu w Europie
Masz tę lub inne książki?
Sprzedaj je u nas
The Holocaust, carried out by the Nazis during World War II, represents the most appalling crime against humanity, resulting in the death of six million Jews. This atrocity stands unparalleled in scale and brutality among the acts of genocide characteristic of the 20th century. Thousands of sites bear witness to this tragedy, scattered across Europe. While a few of these locations are widely recognized, the majority faded from public memory after the war, their names surviving mostly in the minds of victims, perpetrators, and a handful of historians. Visiting these places was not a common practice for many years. However, in recent years, there has been a significant change, and now millions of people travel annually to former camps, ghettos, and mass graves.
Wybierz stan zużycia:
jak nowa
widoczne ślady używania
The Holocaust, carried out by the Nazis during World War II, represents the most appalling crime against humanity, resulting in the death of six million Jews. This atrocity stands unparalleled in scale and brutality among the acts of genocide characteristic of the 20th century. Thousands of sites bear witness to this tragedy, scattered across Europe. While a few of these locations are widely recognized, the majority faded from public memory after the war, their names surviving mostly in the minds of victims, perpetrators, and a handful of historians. Visiting these places was not a common practice for many years. However, in recent years, there has been a significant change, and now millions of people travel annually to former camps, ghettos, and mass graves.