Książka - Merci, Monsieur Dior


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Merci, Monsieur Dior

Merci, Monsieur Dior


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Christian Dior's journey from a modest designer to a fashion legend forms the core of this captivating narrative. The story delves into the creation of his revered fashion empire and the renowned Miss Dior fragrance line.

In 1946 France, the city of Paris begins to heal from the ravages of war, with its residents starting to glimpse a hopeful future. Amidst this backdrop, a young woman named Clestine leaves her provincial hometown behind, stepping into the vibrant pulse of the city. She swiftly secures a position with none other than Christian Dior himself, a designer who had just established his fashion house the year prior.

Through her genuine charm, Clestine quickly wins the trust and affection of Dior, whose initial shyness belies his burgeoning genius. Her role evolves from his housekeeper to private secretary, ultimately becoming both muse and confidante to the visionary designer. As Clestine witnesses the creation of exquisite garments and magical fragrances, questions arise about the future of Dior's illustrious career and whether she will remain at his side—or if fate will lead them in different directions.

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Christian Dior's journey from a modest designer to a fashion legend forms the core of this captivating narrative. The story delves into the creation of his revered fashion empire and the renowned Miss Dior fragrance line.

In 1946 France, the city of Paris begins to heal from the ravages of war, with its residents starting to glimpse a hopeful future. Amidst this backdrop, a young woman named Clestine leaves her provincial hometown behind, stepping into the vibrant pulse of the city. She swiftly secures a position with none other than Christian Dior himself, a designer who had just established his fashion house the year prior.

Through her genuine charm, Clestine quickly wins the trust and affection of Dior, whose initial shyness belies his burgeoning genius. Her role evolves from his housekeeper to private secretary, ultimately becoming both muse and confidante to the visionary designer. As Clestine witnesses the creation of exquisite garments and magical fragrances, questions arise about the future of Dior's illustrious career and whether she will remain at his side—or if fate will lead them in different directions.



Książki autora


Dla Ciebie

Książki z kategorii

Dostawa i płatność


Cena: 37.14 zł

Okładka: Miękka

Ilość stron: 312

Rok wydania: 2022

Rozmiar: 1 x 2 mm

ID: 9788367157803

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